BBQ Side Dishes!
First a NOTE: I used the EXTRA Spicy version of Doritos for this. Feel free to adapt to your tastes... Cool Ranch, Taco, Nacho Cheese, etc. All will work terrific and change the taste of the dish!
I seem to be collecting various side dishes now. Potato salads, Baked Bean recipes, various slaws and salasas... I am working on a theory that once you learn to grill or slow smoke the meat properly, a back yard BBQ is measured by the quality of the sides. Like pairing wines, matching the correct sides to the type of meat is an art form.
For this meal I had a mild sausage sandwich and a sweet baked bean recipe. I wanted something with a little kick to it for a vegetable side.
The latest version of Doritos corn chips added just the right amount of heat! Advertised as "Bigger, BOLDER, Thicker", they made the corn salad all of that... Crunchy, Boldly Spiced with a combination of firey HEAT from the spiced chips and the natural sweetness of the corn, all held together with the creamy cooling flavors of Ranch Dressing and Mayo.
All that BOLD flavor would be enough, but add in the wonderful coloring (too much brown food in too many BBQ plates) and you have a real Winner of a BBQ Side Dish!
OK... Here's what I did...
Doritos "Jacked" Spicy Chipotle BBQ Corn Salad
- 2 Cans Sweet Corn, Drained
- 2 Cups Cheddar Cheese Freshly Grated from block
- 1/2 Cup Mayonnaise
- 1/2 Cup Ranch Dressing
- 1 Medium Vidalia Onion, Chopped
- 1 Bag (10.5 Ounces) Doritos "Jacked" Spicy Chipotle BBQ Tortilla Chips
- Mix everything together except the corn chips.
- separate about 1/4th of the chips to use as a garnish
- The other 3/4 bag crush coarsely and mix with the corn and mixings
- Chill in the refrigerator for 3 hours to allow the flavors to mingle
- Serve chilled and ENJOY!
Well over 52 recipes actually as I just can't stop... Over 100 in one grilling season (I love to grill!). But not just leat... Drinks, Condiments (LOTS of different BBQ sauces), Drinks, Desserts... even specialty items like GRILLED Pizza, and fun shaped Watermelons. Easy and these ideas will make you the MASTER of your Backyard Domain!
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