But first, OUR KRAZY KICTCHEN's Monday Munchies...

I am going to assume you all know and follow OUR KRAZY KITCHEN... A wonderful group effort where six terrific individual bloggers join forces to create something new. Click the OKK button above and take a look at their site. They also provide a Mr. linky opportunity to link your recipes to their site. Mr. Linky confuses me 9easily done), but I think i have it figured out, so I am submitting this post to OUR KRAZY KITCHEN's MONDAY MUNCHIES...
Credit where credit is due... This recipe is completely stolen from a wonderful blogger, DANIELLE at COOKING FOR MY PEACE OF MIND. I love Danielle's site. I have stolen recipes from her before, and I am sure I will again... go take a peak.
A few days back, she posted this incredibly easy recipe using my favorite candy bar and that delicious Hazelnut/chocolate concoction, NUTELLA. I changed the dusting topping just a bit, but this certainly makes a great little MUNCHIE...
Here's what I did...
Credit where credit is due... This recipe is completely stolen from a wonderful blogger, DANIELLE at COOKING FOR MY PEACE OF MIND. I love Danielle's site. I have stolen recipes from her before, and I am sure I will again... go take a peak.
A few days back, she posted this incredibly easy recipe using my favorite candy bar and that delicious Hazelnut/chocolate concoction, NUTELLA. I changed the dusting topping just a bit, but this certainly makes a great little MUNCHIE...
Here's what I did...
1 can of cheap roll out crescent rolls (8 rolls in a can)
8 miniature Reese's Cups (cut in half to make 16 half miniatures)
8 tablespoons of Nutella
and enough Powdered Sugar to dust... I changed this to CAJUN POWER SWEET TREAT, a vanilla enhanced cinnamon sugar treat that I brought home from New Orleans!
Thanks to DANIELLE at COOKING FOR MY PEACE OF MIND, I peed my pants just a bit when I bit into these, they are just as good as they look and sound!
And now, as promised... Ta-Ta-TATAAA... My rant...
But first the set up. As I have said before, I am older than dirt. I have two grown children. Both of them live half a continent away from me and god's country (Kansas). I made many choices in my life that got me to where I am now. I love my life, but occasionally, in the dark places of my soul that I do not like to visit, I ponder my choices.
I see some wonderfully complicated recipes on you all's sites. There are amazing recipes that any magazine could and should publish. I also read about your families.
And now the rant (although I think I am preaching 90% to the choir)... Oh yeah, it will help if you read the following with an old man accent in your mind... think Ed Asner...
Kids today, don't get me started... But if you did get me started, I would say they are fat, lazy, stupid and have the attention span of a hummingbird. I would also say that much of their fat, lazy, stupid, short attention span is our fault as parents. NOTE: I am talking about your kids, not mine... Neither of mine are fat.
If I could go back and make a few more choices 20 years ago, I would spend more than a day with my kids as four year old's, being their sous chef while they make this recipe.
By teaching children how to follow recipes, we give them a sense of accomplishment. Don't get me started on that ridiculous concept of "participation trophies" for standing around a few afternoons on a soccer field. What builds better sense of self worth, individually seeing a recipe through from beginning to feeding your family, or soccer (which isn't even a real sport, but I digress)?
Learning to follow a recipe at an early age teaches...
- Practical math. Calculating the area of a parallelogram is overrated. Learning to cut a recipe in half, or doubling a recipe is something you will use often.
- Practical chemistry. Making a baking soda lava volcano is overrated! Learning to dissolve spices into water to create soup is something you will use often.
- Patience. In this age where you can get a double cheeseburger for a dollar without getting out of the car, or when you can buy finished meals at the deli section of most grocery stores (or worse, the frozen food section), working a bit to assemble ingredients, mix and dissolve, wait for it to cook; and then serve is a skill that a generation is losing. They want it now.
- Self Worth. Stand on a soccer field with twenty other 4 year olds vrs. feeding your entire family Chocolate Peanut Butter Breakfast Crescent Rolls - What do you think builds a sense of SELF worth (the idea that soccer for 4 year old's teaches a sense of community is communism, but don't get me started on the red plague)?
- How to follow instructions. Do A, followed by B, C and D; in that order will make something new. If you do B first, and then A, C and D; it does not create the same new thing. The 4 year old that learns that is the future surgeon that I want transplanting my liver.
When you are old as dirt, and you go to those dark places of your soul... Would you rather remember going on a business trip, and extending the trip a few extra days because you have never been to Cooperstown (home of the Baseball Hall of Fame), or remember making Chocolate Peanut Butter Breakfast Crescent Rolls? In the very very black places of your soul, what do you think your former 4 year old children remember?
Every once in a while, put away those complicated recipes, work your way into your pre-schoolers ridiculously scheduled life and spend 30 minutes (start to finish, this recipe takes less than 30 minutes). When you are older than dirt, those thirty minutes will brighten those dark spots in your soul more than seeing Mickey Mantle's Golden glove trophies. Post those images, recipes and memories. that's why we have blogs, not to get into magazines.
All done, amusing how that dark spot in my soul comes out at the oddest times!
The inspiration for this rant came from my sad pathetic life, and a couple of recent posts from
NAT HEARTS BAKING IN NYC (who used to be Girls are made of...) and from THE LITTLE TEOCHEW. If you disagree with any of this, blame the dark spots of my soul and the glowing bright spots of their souls.
And now, if you are too old to have a 4 year old handy to cook with, I am sure this song is going through a few of your heads...
These look decadently good and your points about kids in the kitchen are well taken.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Dave! I cook with my 13 year old goddaughter (we started when she was 11) regularly. Our first mishap was a cake...we had more crap on us and the floor then in the pan and it was the most fabulous experience ever! I bet even at her age she'd love to make the crescent rolls with me.
ReplyDeleteI am going to have to get me some Nutella. Everyone seems to rave about it. Love the simplicity of this recipe. Any kid would enjoy making this. Your rant is right on.
ReplyDeleteGREAT!!! post. I cook with my grand-daughter and have taught my sons to cook, Patience is the word for the day and following instruction is always hard, but with all the mishaps and messes we have fun and I enjoy each minute of the time we have together. Memories last a lifetime and can never be taken from you.
ReplyDeleteYour recipe sounds and looks WONDERFUL!!! I'm a Nutella fan and with peanut buter even better.
I think this sounds like a wonderful munchie. You can never go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter. Your rant was well put. I agree that there are many valuable lessons to be taught and learned in the kitchen.
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful recipe and rant. I totally agree except for the soccer part (sorry - soccer family here...) Anyway I am a scratch-cook and taught my daughters to cook from an early age. One loves it and cooks with her tiny son (age 2) and the other, well...but we have hope, afterall she is only 22.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing and participating with my post. Love your blog.
Rant read! Also accepted, agreed with and applauded! The recipe sounds good too!
ReplyDeleteGreat post, I made something similar a few months ago and we snarfed all of them immediately! Thankfully I have no children, but I have nieces and nephews and I could not agree more on your opinion of kids these days!
ReplyDeletePeanut butter and chocolate in a crescent? Awesome combo, dude! Love the video, too! Both of my kids are great cooks, but then again, they had a good teacher. :)
ReplyDeleteThese look amazing! There is never too much peanut butter or chocolate in my life.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right! Parents should definitely get into the kitchen with their kids. Not only will it allow them to spend some quality time together, but it will also teach them how to be productive and be proud of their achievements. And the whole math thing is good too ;).
As for my current groin injury, it is mostly due to my own stupidity. I think I started to hurt it doing this one machine at the gym and then I ran on it yesterday during a 10K when I shouldn't have. I did really well in the 10K but then realized afterwards that I couldn't walk. So one of my friends leant me her crutches from when she had ACL surgery. I should be fine for Boston though which is at the end of April. I was already ahead of training anyway. Sigh. I just hate not being able to be active.
Yeah, Danielle is the bomb. Those crescents look amazing, I definitely want to eat them.
ReplyDeleteI must say, learning to cook at a young age did wonders for me. Not only, like you say, does it help with all kinds of developmental stuff but when you're a teenager and you're the only dude in high school who actually knows how to cook for the girls... well. Let's just say it's a good thing I didn't have to rely on my looks or charisma!
Crescents look really good! Will have to try them.
ReplyDeleteNow about that rant...
I'm with you all the way! We are a family of foodies... and from a very early age my son helped in the kitchen... a time to learn and communicate.....and at a pretty young age he began cooking (11)... mostly out of necessity... by then it was just he and I... I had been a widow since he was 9... and had major surgery... he helped... bless his soul... and he never stopped ... he's creative and resourceful... and truth be told far more adventurous than me in the kitchen... but following recipes and cooking and everything it entails... I agree with you 100%... is a foundation for growing up.
Yummy! Nutella in a flaky buttery crust, you couldn't ask for anything better!
ReplyDeleteGreat post Dave! the rolls look delish and I think any kid would love to help make these (and eat them too!).
ReplyDeleteA good rant too-our kids need our time more than anything else. Cooking with my kiddos not only taught them cooking skills, but also helped them understand fractions.
This song always makes me feel sad- you just hit the nail on the head today.
You just HAD to do Cats and The Cradle, didn't you? Guilt Trip!
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, good post. I'm glad that my 10 y/o likes to cook so much.
As I read this I am actually envisioning myself biting into them....a BIG bite ! I'm sure they must have been more than delicious !
ReplyDeleteYummy Monday Munchie recipe! I'm definitely going to give it a try! You linked your post up perfectly - it is a direct link to this entry. If you want it to say what your recipe is just type in the title in parentheses after you type in your blog name on the first line of the linky.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you about the kids in the kitchen. My son who is now in high school has been helping in the kitchen since he was in his high chair - Culinary Arts is his favorite class and he's really learning some unbelievable stuff! Guess what he wants to go to college for? Chef! I'm sure you can guess just how very proud that makes me! :-)
WOW! This looks really yummy. My kids at home love to help around in the kitchen with their little hands, especially baking cookies.
ReplyDeleteThis looks good too! YUM . you have some really good recipes here. :) thanks
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you like them. (sorry you peed your pants LOL). I have lots of memories of baking with my girls when they were young. Now that they're both in their late teens, its nice to see them cooking for themselves and enjoying the "fruits of their labor". It totally baffles me when I talk to another mom and she says she doesnt cook. So her family lives on frozen fish sticks, hamburger helper and fast food :(
ReplyDeleteOur kids are getting more and more comfortable in the kitchen and the other day we let them make pancakes for the whole family. (we were in the next room, listening very carefully ;) )
ReplyDeleteOk so they were Batter Blaster pancakes in a can but hey - they still had to use the stove!
They did a great job and the other nice thing is no mess! Nice that they are organic, and we added fruit to.
Not nearly as good as mine from scratch but really pretty darn good!
First, let me say YUMMY on the Chocolate Peanut-Butter Nutello Breakfast Crescent Rolls...
ReplyDeleteThen I am just shaking my head. I have a son in college who can't even boil WATER! I just want to SCREAM! Guess what he is getting for Christmas? Beginners cookbook (do you know a good one) Guess what he is doing over break? LEARNING TO COOK HIMSELF A MEAL! I guess I only have myself to blame!! Love this post by the way. Have a great day.....
PS I could do a two for one and send my husband and son to you for some schooling :-)
Such a thought provoking post Dave...i love and respect your sincerity as always. Sadly my mom never let me in the kitchen as a little one, it used to break my heart when she would complain that I would only make a mess. That hurt and rejection... is in part one of the major reasons I never refuse my little girl the joy of getting the place messy while helping mommy bake. You are absolutely right when you say it gives them self worth...I see the confidence in her and the pride when the cup cakes come out the oven... and it makes the extra cleaning up so worth it... she really is my little sous chef...!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this cute and fun recipe...I promise to try it out with my daughter....and provide pics as evidence : ) ... PS : You have received an award at my place...please stop by when you have a moment.
great post. i like to cook with my little ones every once and a while, but don't do it near enough. we just got a really fun cookbook for kids, so hopefully there will be much more cooking iwth my kids in the future!
ReplyDeletethe crescent rolls look outstanding!
I spent a lot of time with my two when they were growing up..One loves to eat and cook, the other is indifferent to it... They will be what they will be..
ReplyDeleteTotally delicious looking recipe!! Would really like to have one NOW! But, will have to shop first!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with your rant!
You poo-poo'ed my Holiday Eating Tips post because you're trying to lose a few and then post this?
ReplyDeletewonderful sentiment about children and you know I adore my homegirlz. But their personalities are so different...one won't even pour herself something to drink and the other loves to get in the kitchen and create.
Bravo! Rant read and I totally agree with every word, every comma, period and exclamation mark! Great, Great post Dave.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I have two sons, one a trained Chef, went to culinary school in Portland and another who loves to cook. I'm so so glad about that, as there are so many young adults that think dinner comes only from a restaurant. Yikes and that's alot of money to spend.
ReplyDeleteMy my my those nutella croissants are darned near celestial, I think. Well done indeed.
ReplyDeleteI hear you about kids. God didn't see fit to give me children of my own, but I have two beautiful and smart nieces. We used to cook together when they came and stayed with me (I never minded the messy kitchen or the prolonged prep time as they fretted over mixing and stirring and measuring). My youngest niece just graduated with a double major, in communications and nutrition ... because of the time we spent together cooking in the kitchen. I don't think I have ever received a higher compliment in my entire life. Who knew that baking gingerbread cookies could have lead to a career choice...
Ummm…yeah…you were totally preaching to the choir (me) while I read your rant. I am one of the ancient ones too…well, by the standards of some of the young looking bloggers I am associating with here!
ReplyDeleteNot a rant at all! I thought you made a lot of sense. And from the rest of the comments, it's clear I am not the only one who thinks this way.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, thank you for the recipe. I peed my pants a bit just reading about you peeing yours.
ReplyDeleteAnd secondly, I wildly applaud your rant! I don't come from a family with a lot of food traditions, and it's always something I wish I had. Cooking with my kids is one of the most anticipated parts of parenthood for me. (I'm so excited that even though he's only a few months old, I plop him up on the counter as I cook and explain everything I'm doing. Just in case he's paying attention.)
My hubby is always saying that you'll never look back on your life and wish that you'd spent more time at the office or cleaning the house. But you'll always wish you'd been able to spend more time with your family!
First off, love these crescent rolls. Actually I like just about any recipe made with refrigerator crescent rolls. They have yet to disappoint me.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree with your rant more! As a former "home ec" teacher, I've definitely seen all of the benefits and pratical applications of teaching kids to follow and execute recipes beyond the life skill of learning to prepare a meal. As a matter of fact, we used to teach a dual credit (Chem and FCS) class called "The Chemistry of Food". Not enough funding these days...it's all about the test scores...but that's another rant altogether.
As a mom, I also recognize the benefits of cooking with my kiddos. Luckily, I had a good teacher, my mom. As a result, it's always felt natural to me to have my kids alongside as I prepare dinner and bake for family and friends. My five year old has an impressive kitchen vocabulary these days. I'm also pretty strict about t.v. and computer time vs. outdoor recreation, creativity, imaginative play, and cultural experiences. That's the Type A in me. Since I'm at home right now, I regard my job as mom as a real job and I wanna make sure that I do my best. : )
I loved this post. Thank you so much for ranting : )
This recipe looks more delicious. Its really a good post. Your rant was well put. I agree that there are many valuable lessons to be taught and learned in the kitchen.