
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Roasted White Asparagus - CARIBBEAN STYLE!

I was inspired to create this recipe by Chris from NIBBLE ME THIS.  Earlier in the week, I saw he had posted a recipe for Roasted Orange-Ginger Asparagus.  I had just bought a bundle of white asparagus, and knew I wanted to see if I could add a little Caribbean to the recipe...

First off, Chris calls for grated ginger.  I had none, so I substituted RUM... Just a little, and it all makes sense, as I actually substituted Blackening seasonings instead of ginger... And then I added rum.  

Here's what I did (and feel free to compare this recipe to Chris's, His sounds terrific!).

   Roasted Caribbean White Asparagus
Source: adapted from Southern Livingand then adapted from NIBBLE ME THIS
1/2 lb fresh asparagus, bottoms snapped off
1/4 cup Mango Rum
1 Tbsp Cajun Spices
1 Tbsp mustard, coarse ground
2 Tbsp olive oil
slices of orange
Whisk together the juice, Cajun spices and  mustard. Slowly add the oil while whisking rapidly to create an emulsion.
Drizzle over the asparagus and mix in a casserole dish. Top with the orange slices

Preheat your oven to 350, bake for 15 minutes.

And serve with Dave's Birthday Caribbean Lobster in a Cruzan Rum/Cream Sauce.

Happy Birthday to me indeed!

OK, truth in advertising, this got a mixed review.  I like a snap to my vegetables, just a tad over raw.  I thought these were terrific in the oven for only 15 minutes.  However, my wife had me put her share back in the oven for another 10 minutes.  Mine were snappy, had a bite and tasted great.  Jackie's was cooked through, had the same taste and she liked her's her way.  She thought mine tasted "woody".

But, the sauce was terrific (we both thought so).


  1. Rum makes everything better!

  2. Ok...damn the snow and crap up here I'm moving to wear you are! I am with you on veggies needing to be a bit better than raw...cannot stand over cooked mushy vegetables of any sort.

  3. This sounds wonderful. I'm not a fan of white asparagus but on your recommendation I'll try a variation of your recipe. Have a great day...Mary

  4. I like my veggies with a snap too! :) I'll eat from your plate then. Hee hee!

  5. I love white asparagus and your recipe sounds delicious... thanks!

  6. I've yet to find any white asparagus in my store... so I planted some and I"m going to grow my own this year! Looks fantastic... I barely cook my asparagus too...

  7. We happened to be visiting one of our kids in Holland several years ago while they were harvesting the white asparagus (called spargel) and it is so popular it was the main course and the sides were meat and four kinds of potatoes. I loved it. They make it grow underground by hilling it so the plants can not turn green. The field looks like hilled potatoes with nothing growing in them yet.

  8. Happy Birthday Dave!!! That sauce does look great, and I like my asparagus your way, I hate it when its all mushy!

  9. Happy Birthday...white asparagus sounds wonderful! I've never had them rum!

  10. I'm with you, veggies need to be crisp. Squishy vegetables make my heart sad.

    That sauce sounds awesome, I love that you subbed rum for the ginger.

  11. Ah, this looks delicious and sounds perfect! It would go great with the Swedish mustard I posted today, at least I think Swedish and Carribean would mix! Love the idea of rum and asparagus together! Yum!

  12. Yum add some Rum!!! This sounds fantastic!

  13. Asparagus is one of those things that you either like really raw tasting or well done isn't it. I like mine well done too. Can't wait for local spring asparagus!!!

  14. Dude, I love how all your recipes since you moved to the islands involve rum!

  15. Lovin' the rum! Happy birthday man :-)

  16. You are living the good life. Enjoy!

  17. Holy cow! That lobster...that asparagus...I'm seriously salivating. It all looks amazing. Happy Birthday!

  18. You had no ginger so you substituted rum! That is just awesome! :D Made me laugh!

    Asparagus is just about my favorite veggie on earth! Great recipe!

    Happy Bday again! Sounds like you had a fine time!!

  19. I think we have found an answer to Jack Sparrow's question, "Why is the rum always gone?" ;)

    I'm with you Dave, I like my asparagus to retain some of its texture.

    Great dish.

  20. Yummm...asparagus....this sounds super good.

  21. Another great way to prepare asparagus! I'm in love!

  22. I like mine a bit snappy too, but can't wait to try this recipe! YUM!
