
Thursday, March 25, 2010

MAPLE GARLIC SALMON ala A Bolder Table for Taste & Create

I love bloggers! I was new to the world of blogging (and to cooking) just a few months ago. I went from hamburgers and hot dogs once a month to a 3 meal a day, 7 days a week cook. I needed help, and I found it. I am always thrilled to find new blogs. Without bloggers who provide insight you do not get from books, I would not be as brave as I am in the kitchen. Last month I was introduced to a wonderful opportunity. TASTE & CREATE is a cultural exchange program for bloggers. Click on the logo to the left, but the premise is simple...
Once you sign up, monthly, you are paired with another blogger. Hopefully, someone you have never seen before. You take a look at their blog, hunt down a recipe that you find appealing and cook and post the results. You are introduced to a new recipe, and at the same time, because you dig a little deeper into a new blog, you find bits of personal information that gets you a new blogger buddy!

This month, I was paired with Megan, from a BOLDER TABLE.  Megan is from Colorado, writes an entirely original blog (no recipes from magazines).  The emphasis in her writing is healthy cooking.  From shopping local to cooking mostly vegetarian meals, she talks the talk and she cooks the cook of an aware consumer.  Take a moment and head over to see what she did to a couple of my recipes today... But also dig a little deeper into her blog.  i think you will be back...

I really enjoyed Megan's blog, and will be heading back for several side dishes I have in mind.  But one original recipe caught my eye.  I had some really nice salmon (go figure, salmon is available here, fresh, and at a very good price).  I also had maple syrup on hand and of course i love garlic... so, here's what Megan said to do to create her "Maple Garlic Salmon"...
place on a baking sheet that has been brushed with olive oil.  I made slices (not all the way through) every in or so along the fish so I could stuff chopped garlic in the salmon.

After stuffing the slices with garlic, I drizzled olive oil and maple syrup, then salt and pepper.  I added some sliced onions on the tray, poured a little veggie broth onto the pan for extra moisture, and baked at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes or so, just until it was done on the outside and slightly darker inside.  Drizzle with lemon after taking the salmon out of the oven.
And, here's what i did...

Um... Wgat she said to do... Little oil, cut some slits, stuff with minced garlic and drizzle maple syrup 

Cook at 400 degrees, for 10 minutes.  I did sprinkle just a bit of dried parsley on so there would be little flecks of color.

It came out beautiful!  But very important, the fish was cooked perfect (10 minutes was all, came out very moist and flaky... DO NOT OVER COOK YOUR FISH!).  BUT, the most important thing... it tasted WONDERFUL!  Hints of garlic in every bite (remember the slits, not just top with), and the syrup made a nice sweet contrast.  Very easy, very fast and most of all, a very impressive taste!

I plated with Coconut Rum Pineapple Risotto (really did make it, you will hear about that soon), and a bit of spicy mango chutney!

Thanks Megan, great recipe....

TASTE & CREATE is great fun for me.  I am always looking for new bloggers to follow and especially new recipes.  this was my second time playing along and each time has been very instructive for me.  You have to cook anyway, may as well be challenged.  TASTE & CREATE is my very favorite blogger activity.  Signing up is easy (just go to the website and follow the easy instructions).  You get an email telling you who you are partnered with and how much or how little you work with them is up to you.

But really, don't you think you will find something amazing???

Do me a favor and head over to Megan's blog, a BOLDER TABLE.  Tell her hi for me!


  1. Maple and salmon are basically a match made in heaven! Loving this dish.

    And I am SO glad you made the risotto. You are daring my friend. With a touch of genius.

  2. agreed with you, this salmon look super delicious !! and glad to know that you met a new blogger friend via this activity.

  3. Well, hurry up and post the coconut rum pineapple risotto please!!!

  4. Salmon is so flexible in it's ability to take many flavors favorably!

  5. This salmon looks absolutely amazing! I can't wait to see the risotto recipe too!

  6. Looks wonderful Dave! Looking forward to your risotto recipe too! :)

  7. Ahhhh.. looks like a perfect dinner! Salmon is mu hub's favorite!

  8. Okay, that salmon is gorgeous, Dave. But am especially flagged by your teaser on the coconut rum pineapple risotto! Tell us more...soon!

    Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen

  9. This looks very interesting. You could put anything on salmon and I would enjoy it. Then coconut rum pineapple risotto, you sure know how to kick it up!

  10. This sounds amazing!! I love maple syrup with salmon and I am intrigued with stuffing little slices of garlic into the salmon. I bet that is awesome! I will be making this recipe. And your coconut rum pineapple risotto sounds very cool!

  11. I wished I liked salmon - it looks so good!

  12. There are so many wonderful aspects of blogging, the great recipes, ideas and wonderful people you can cook with. This looks like a great salmon recipe.

  13. Maple and garlic.... why not? Since salmon is the only fish mon mari will eat I'm always trying to come up with something new. Believe it or not, maple syrup is easy to find here - must be the Montreal connection....

  14. Oh my gosh, this sounds really yummy!! Might give it a try tomorrow (I have to defrost some salmon... otherwise I'd try it tonight!) I hope I'm not out of maple syrup though!

    That Coconut Rum Pineapple Risotto sounds delicious too!! Can't wait to see the recipe for it.
