
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

GRILLED Bacon Wrapped Sea Scallops with Salt Lick potatoes, Shrimp Fritters and you get to see my wife's legs

I will show you better photos in a minute, but look at those legs... The Betty Grable of the US Virgin Islands!

Be sure to scroll to the end, I have exciting news (to me anyway)!

And now on to the food...

No secrets to this, VERY easy and incredibly tasty.
  • Sea Scallop
  • Wrapped in half a slice of bacon
  • toothpick individually, or skewer several in a row to secure the bacon
  • if you skewer them, easiest if you use two so that they turn in tandem
  • grill over indirect heat till the bacon is cooked.  When the bacon is cooked, the scallops are cooked through.
  • After I turned one side, I brushed with a favorite BBQ sauce.
I have already done a post on grilled SALT LICK POTATOES.  I followed the instructions, and they were INCREDIBLE.  Not sure why I don't make these more often, as they are very easy and just about the tastiest potatoes you could ask for.

I plated the taters with the scallops (the sugar in the BBQ sauce caramelized a bit (OK, I left them on just a tad too long and the bacon got a bot crispy)) and one of the left over Shrimp Fritters I blogged about yesterday.  Actually, the extra crunch of the charred bacon added to the texture of the soft scallops and made a  nice combination taste!

The Betty Grable of the Island and I both agreed... not just good, GREAT EATS!


We are moving to our new apartment!!!  I will get better shots soon, and the place was not clean when I looked at it, but here is an idea of what we are moving to...

BIG KITCHEN... BIG Center Island!  Again, someone is living there til friday, we move in on Staurday, so excuse the mess (I will make my own mess on Sunday!

Nice size living area, with plenty of seating when the Ladies (and Chris) from OUR KRAZY KITCHEN attends our important summit meeting.  Two bedrooms, so hopefully family, friends and blogger buddies will feel welcome to visit.

View out the deck, steps to the pool and tennis courts, just a few more steps to the ocean, beach and some of the best snorkeling on the island!

Hee heee heeee

Just can't stop giggling!



  1. Now that's more like it! Love the new digs.

  2. You're not in Kansas anymore. (I bet you will hear and say that a lot!!) Nice meal and great new place! Better get out your appt/date book!

  3. OMG your wife is so lucky to eat such great food all the time! Congrats on the new apt!

  4. Ummm. It's 34 degrees here right now.

  5. i love grilled seafood, the dish looks delecious, I love it.
    brinkmann gas smoker grill

  6. See now, tell Jackie not to worry about the hair with great legs like that, LOL!
    Those bacon wrapped scallops look divine, yummy!
    Congrats on the new place, that didn't take long and it sure looks like it will be nice and cozy :-)

  7. I've never had 'salt lick potatoes', but I know I'd love them!

  8. I'm thinking you should be careful when you say things like, hey guys you should come visit! Because you are going to wake up one day with all of us sitting on your doorstep. Just saying...

    Those scallops look awesome!

  9. Love that kitchen, islands with chairs are the best for entertaining small groups. You can do tappas and make it as it's eaten. Dinner and a show!

  10. Dave I am so happy for you and your wife that you get to live somewhere like that!

    So jealous of you right now! But I love your dinner and I will totally make those salt lick potatoes, they look amazing!

  11. I'm glad you've found a permanent home. That is a not bad kitchen, my friend. Your scallops look really wonderful and you've combined two of my most favorite foods.

  12. We had scallops last night! We love scallops... your recipe looks terrific!

    Congrats on your move!

  13. I am ashamed to say that this is the first i've hear of those salt lick potatoes. I.Must.Make.These.

  14. Congratulations on the new digs! Your wife is a beauty.

  15. This is the cutest title for a post I've ever read. LOL It'll be great to get into your own place! Going to take a look at the salt lick potatoes now!

  16. Awesome food - love the crispy caramelized edge - yummy! Congrats on the new kitchen oh and the rest the place (you know us krazy ladies always look at the kitchen first) - can't wait to see what mess you make! :) Jackie looks relaxed - that weekend away must have been good.

  17. You couldn't find a place with a better view? ha ha

    Great looking grub and new place. At least you now have a more suitable kitchen for you to enjoy!

  18. Yum to all that delicious food! Those scallop skewers look phenomenal!
    I'm so happy for your move and that nice big kitchen! :)
    Blessings to you friend~

  19. Great food, great wife, great new place to live on the beach- can life get any better for you? Love this meal Dave- am drooling as I read.

  20. oh man, a view like that would have me giggling for days too! congrats on the new apartment, and great menu, everything looks awesome!

  21. I don't think I could wipe the smile off of my face either if I moved there. ;) Even better than Florida!

  22. The food looks amazing! I would love this dinner! Nice place too. Do you get to take that glass topped table with you? If so, BONUS!

  23. Ugh.. I SO need a vaca... I wish I was there!!

    Bet you'll be happy to move into that bigger space for sure.

    Dinner sounds wonderful - say hello to the little lady with the great legs!! :) She looks like she's enjoying this adventure too.

  24. That wife of yours is a hot ticker, lucky guy! Dinner looks amazing - once again I admire your talent and proficiency with the art of bacon - yum. Also can't wait to make the salt-lick potatoes - my name is Stephanie and I am a saltaholic! Thanks for sharing this fabulous & fun meal.
