
Saturday, January 23, 2010

COOKBOOK GIVEAWAY! and Foodbuzz 24,24,24: MARDI GRAS in the Cul de Sac Prep Day

I'm CRACKING UNDER THE PRESSURE! 'Course when you are on the edge of sanity to begin with it doesn't take much. The good news, my proposal to take part in the 24,24,24 FOODBUZZ challenge was accepted. The better news... I get to spend the day (actually add a few hours earlier in the week to pickle pork) cooking Cajun! In my ongoing efforts to convince you all (and maybe just a little myself) that the suburbs of Kansas City is hip and happening in a far out way, my neighborhood is celebrating Mardi Gras in the Cul de Sac! Counting drinks, 13 menu items, to feed 10 people... Laissez les bons temps rouler indeed!

And what a timely opportunity for my blog. Not only is Fat Tuesday coming quickly (February 16th, the official end of Mardi Gras season). But tomorrow night, the New Orleans Saints are playing for a birth in this year's Super Bowl! And don't you know that if the Saints make it, Cajun food will be everywhere for Superbowl parties! I mean no disrespect to the city of Indianapolis, but, if I were planning a party, what exactly is the cuisine of Indy???

So, I have a million things to do right now. I've made my plans, set my menu, done my shopping and I am ready to let the good times rock and roll!

But first, I want to announce a terrific give away contest... Arnaud's restaurant in New Orleans is everything you could ask for in a dining experience. Incredible food, professional staff, historic location and a BEAUTIFUL COOKBOOK you can buy as a souvenir. Or, win one in a contest.

I love this book. Hardbound with slipcover, 225 pages, filled with not only recipes that have made the restaurant famous, but also chock full of photos (mostly color) and stories of the restaurant and the city. Divided into chapters of foods from SPECIAL OCCASIONS, oysters, HORS d'OEUVRES, soups and salads, BRUNCH, seafood, MEAT AND POULTRY... But also the Casual Side of Creole Cooking, COCKTAILS, sauces and stocks AND BEAUTIFUL DESSERTS! Not everyone will make the Oysters Rockefeller or the Escargots en Casserole (the fancy stuff), but if you have a hint of Cajun in your soul, you will want to try everything in their Casual Side of Creole Cooking chapter. Gumbo and meat pies, Red Beans and Rice and Po-boys... all explained in the "Arnaud's" tradition. This is a brand new book, sent right from Arnaud's restaurant!

For your chance to win,
all you need to do is state in a comment on this post that you will cook something, anything from the book and blog the results.

' honor
, The blog police will not shut you down if you win and decide to not post anything, but I would like to see the book get used at least once (and maybe if you fall in love with it, more than once. So, just make a comment, tell me specifically that you will give a recipe a try and you to can...
Laissez les bons temps rouler indeed!

If you don't specifically say you will cook something from it, I assume you are being friendly when you comment, but you will not be eligible for the contest. In a week, I will use to select a winner.

And oh yeah, the photo above is of Arnaud's Pommes Souffle' (puffy potato french fries). I considered making these for the party, but they are a bit labor intensive, and it would take more than an hour hands on to make enough for the party. But, for a couple people, while you are waiting for a PASTA CAKE to finish baking they would be a great addition to any meal. Fanciest French fry you will ever eat, and just a small sample fo the recipes from the book!

And finally, I had the pleasure of dining at Arnaud's this last year. It was my favorite dining experience of my vacation... Check out my post, My MOST UNEXPECTED Night in New Orleans - ARNAUD's RESTAURANT.

And if you get to New Orleans, check out Arnaud's Restaurant,

ask for Aaron!


  1. Congrats on your foodbuzz 24,24,24 acceptance! I can't wait to see what you cook up.

    I would love to go to New Orleans someday. Win a few some Cajun food...the usual.

    That book looks awesome! Great giveaway. And if I win, I will definitely cook and blog about one of the dishes!

  2. Enter me, I'd definitely make and post about at least one item in there. I love cajun cooking.

  3. Congrats on your 24, 24, 24!!!! That's awesome and you totally deserve it!

    I am going to be making your home made rolls today, I can't wait!

    Have an awesome weekend!

  4. Wow... 24,24,24... you've got your hands full! Can't wait to see what you come up with in the cul! Great giveaway... if I win the book, I'll sure find a recipe to cook and blog about!

  5. Hello Dave! I’m giving you the Happy 101 Blog Award! Have a great weekend!

  6. Congratulations!!! You definitely deserve it. And I hereby do solemny swear to cook from this cookbook, and blog about it. Cross my heart.

    I'm from Vikes country. What do you suppose the cuisine of Minneapolis-St. Paul is? Pillsbury flour?

    By the way, thanks for the comments on my blog the other day -- you made my day!

  7. I will cook something, anything from the cookbook and blog about it. I don't know what this Foodbuzz thing is. I'm heading over right now to take a look. I really really really want to see the Saints in that Superbowl! And yes, you are right, a fabulous excuse to cook some of that wonderful food.

  8. A great meeting of different cuisines down there!

  9. I love cajun food and I've been known to blog a post or two about food. ;)

    Should I win, I gaurantee to post about my experiences. If it's as good as you say, I may even pull a Julie Powell with it.

  10. Congrats Dave! Can't wait to see all the goodies! Will there be brussels sprouts? ;-)

    Just making my usual weekend rounds getting caught up on everyone's posts for the week, have a great time with 24,24,24!

  11. Congrats on the 24-24-24! Can't wait to read all about it! We love New Orleans and wish that we also visited Arnaud and if we won the cookbook, we'd try to make the meat pies or perhaps one of the desserts.

  12. Congrats on your foodbuzz 24,24,24! I can't wait to see your mardi gras celebration!
    If I win, I will certainly post a recipe or two from the cookbook.

  13. Dave, I'll sign my oath in chocolate that I will make and post something from the cookbook that I know I will win.

    Foodbuzz 24,24,24.... a big WOW to you.

  14. Oh the pressure of having to do a 24, 24, 24! I haven't even tried for one, as I am not sure I could do it...anyway, congrats to you.

    As to the cookbook, is there a good beignet recipe in it? I really would like to try my hand at them. Cross my heart with flour, I promise to post...

  15. OK, I promise no matter how scary it will be, I'll cook something different, and yep that would be different and post a bloggy about it, but no laughing!

  16. Oh, please enter me. I will definitely cook something (probably lots of somethings) and blog about each and every one of them. Scout's honor.

  17. Oh do count me in for this beautiful cookbook! You know I will proudly cook something from it and post about it.

    Enjoy the party! Geaux Saints!!! :)

  18. Congrats on 24,24,24, i hope i get the chance to participate in that someday. and yes, i will DEFINITELY make something out of your book, i promise!

  19. That is freakin' awesome that you were accepted for 24,24,24!! Dude! Can't wait to read that post.

  20. Congrats on your latest accomplishment, cher! (24,24,24) Great giveaway! I would love to have that cookbook. I pinky swear that I'll cook something and post about it! GEAUX SAINTS!

  21. Congrats on 24,24,24! Enter me.... I'll definitely cook and blog about it...

  22. Yes, I would choose a recipe from Arnaulds and write about it.


  23. When I get that book in my hands I'll cook it for sure. And if I cook you KNOW I'll blog it! GREG

  24. Congratulations on your Foodbuzz! Well done. Looking forward to seeing what's cooking.

  25. Congrats on your 24, 24, 24. I enjoyed your post---much better than the spam!
    As for the cookbook, I love Andouille sausages and would like to learn to make it from scratch and use it in soups and would you belive...desserts?

  26. Whoo Hoo - I might not cook everything in the book, but I'd cook a lot of it.

    Congrats on 24,24,24. I'm off to vote for ya.

  27. Yes, I would make a dish from this great sounding cookbook!
    I'm enjoying your posts on the Foodbuzz challenge.
