
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cajun JAMBALAYA New Orleans Classic

Continuing my ALL THINGS NEW ORLEANS recipe posts in anticipation of the Saints appearance in the Superbowl, the CLASSIC Cajun Jambalaya is a wonderful recipe to perfect. Everything is made in one pot, can be easily adapted to a crock pot. Only moderately spiced, but can be easily individually kicked up a notch with hot sauces and spices to taste at the table.

This recipe is one that I learned during my visit to the
New Orleans School of Cooking. By far, it was the most popular of the main course recipes I learned during my trips to New Orleans. Easy Peasy, so lets get to it.

Mise en Place (first, assemble your ingredients)

1/2 cup oil (divided)
2 pounds Chicken boned, cut into 1 inch cubes..
2 pounds Andouille Sausage, cut into 1 inch slices
......Save 1/2 pound to grill and use as accents
4 cups Onion
2 cups Green Pepper
2 cups Celery
3 Tablespoons Garlic
5 cups Chicken Stock
4 cups Long Grained Rice
1/4 cup Cajun Spices
1/2 cup Green onion
2 cups tomatoes (optional)

Cooked Rice

  • In a large sauce pan, Season and brown Chicken in 1/4 cup oil. Add sausage to pot and saute with the chicken.
  • Optional - For brown Jambalaya, add heaping tablespoon of Brown Sugar to your roux just before adding vegetables (see next step), for red, add Paprika for color
  • In a large stock pot , make a roux with equal parts 1/4 cup oil and flour. It is VERY important to start with a clean pan. It must be free of food particles to make a successful roux. Add vegetables and later garlic to roux and stir continuously until vegetables reach desired tenderness.
  • Add Chicken and sausage to vegetables, continue to stir for about 5 minutes.
  • Gradually stir in stock and Cajun seasonings. Bring to boil
  • For red Jambalaya, add 1/4 cup paprika and you can substitute 1/2 the stock for 1/2 tomato juice or V-8 juice.
  • Add rice, DO NOT STIR, but push gently on rice to get it under liquid and return to boil
  • Reduce heat to simmer, cover and cook for 25 minutes. DO NOT OPEN POT, DO NOT STIR.
  • While the pot is cooking, slice 1/2 pound Andouille Sausage and fry in sauce pan till pretty char marks appear.
  • After 25 minutes, turn rice from top to bottom, mix meat and rice evenly. There may be some burnt bits on the bottom, but that is FILLED with flavor, and should be mixed in as well/
  • Dish it up, add sausage and green onions as accent.
  • Have Hot sauce and additional seasonings available for people who want to taste the Cajun experience to their fullest.

So, who's having a Superbowl party???

What's on your menu???



  1. I'm threatening to have a Super Bowl Party and if I do, it will be an all Cajun Menu. This will definitely make an appearance. Love Jambalaya

  2. I don't do Super Bowl Parties because I don't like football. Yes, I know, I am wierd! But cajun is always good no matter what the occasion. And yours looks really good!

  3. Jambalaya is the bomb. Heh, I'm not having an SB party, I'm not really into football. But if I need an excuse to make some jambalaya...

  4. Love jambalaya! You know we'll be partying over here.

  5. You don't want to hear about my Super Bowl party as it will feature all things Colts!

    However, once the big day has passed, I'd very much consider making this fantastic jambalaya recipe!

  6. That's one thing I've always wanted to try, but I thought it would be much harder than that. My husband would be so impressed if I made that for him! Thanks for the easy directions.

  7. Just ducking in to say hello.I hope all is well.

  8. What a great recipe. Love jambalaya!

  9. For the first time ever I am sooo looking forward to the Super Bowl!! This looks perfect have then! Delicious!!!

  10. My mouth is watering! All these awesome Cajun recipes and just in time for Mardi Gras!

  11. Dave, this looks excellent. Really, a fine effort and result. Thank you for sharing this one.
