
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Praise and Thanks to - Frugal Southern Mom

Yesterday was another terrific day on my follower's cult that is my blog. You all know those little faces in the box in the middle of the center column, well my box grew by a terrific blogger I am especially happy to meet.

FRUGAL SOUTHERN MOM joined. You can (and will want to) visit her site by clicking HERE. When I checked her profile, her tag line reads, Isn't now the time to be happy?". Well, damn straight it is, and I love happy bloggers. SO let's see what we have to look forward to...

The site is run by Tammy, a 50 year old mother who works in the health field. Located in the south... Alabama to be specific (roll on Tide, and will there ever be another Bear?). Her site has three emphasis... Cooking, saving money and gardening...

Her recipes emphasis fresh ingredients from her garden. Lots of soups, her latest is a Squash dressing (not as in salad dressing, but as in corn bread and oyster stuffing...just with squash instead); and if you scroll down far enough, you will find a wicked GREAT sounding SWEET POTATO WAFFLES. Reading her recipes makes me want to trot to my farmer's market. They all sound very good.

She also wants to save money and help you do the same... Just on the first page, all you have to do is scroll down to see...
  • An offer for FREE brewed coffee from Starbucks
  • FREE cookbook from Carnation Milk
  • FREE E-Cards also from Carnation, but foodie specific.
    Wouldn''t you rather get a foodie e-card than a generic one?
    Wouldn't you rather send a foodie e-card?
  • Wendy's sells 10 Frosty Jr.'s for $1
    10 cents each...Come on, what a deal, great for Halloween
  • Burger King sells 8 bags of French fries for $1
    12 cents each, but they do include too much salt... But I digress
  • a FREE copycat recipe w-book, featuring 27 recipes from popular restaurant brands...
    Chili's Buffalo wings (love em)
    Panda Express Orange Chicken (Love em)
    Cheesecake factory Santa Fe Chicken Salad (I am sure their's is good, but Mine is better... Click HERE for mine)... but I digress
    Applebee's Bourbon Steak (really really love it)
    TGI Friday's Artichoke and Spinach dip
    And lots more (this one I downloaded, and it is terrific. Thanks for the tip)
  • 1/2 off candles from YANKEE CANDLE COMPANY
  • FREE Sleeping Pills (I ordered them)
  • FREE tea sample (have to buy 2 to get one free, but still a deal if you are a tea drinker)
And that is all on the first page that pops up... wonder what's on the older post page? So, I got sleeping pills and a GREAT cookbook for free this morning... WAKE up and visit her site!

Finally, I am really looking forward to checking out her gardening stories. On my list for next year is to start a little herb garden and pepper garden. I haven't gone deep into her gardening posts, but she does announce a goal of going month by month on setting up a garden. I don't have a green thumb, and will certainly be checking her tips when i get started on mine (I need all the help I can get.

So, visit Tammy, add her to your blogroll, visit often, and you will git great fresh ingredient recipes, Free stuff (or discounts) and gardening tips.

I LOVE the Internet, and I am glad I found her. You can (and will want to) visit her site by clicking HERE.

I have said it before, and I will say it again... I LOVE Blogging and Bloggers. Having followers is a great way to let me know that you are out there. My blog improves with each new follower. I feel a connection, as well as an obligation to be witty, entertaining, informative, accurate and consistent. Knowing that I am being looked at makes me a better blogger and I hope you will be patient as I continue to improve. Looking at all these terrific sites shows me how far I have to come, but gives me great ideas from everyone!

Take a look at these guys. If you like what they have to say, come back for more. Drop em a note (comment) of encouragement. Newer bloggers need to know someone is out there, and older bloggers need fresh blood to feed on, let em know you were directed to their site from me and you may make a new cyber friend too.

And if you regularly check in on me, go ahead and join my followers list/ Plug me in your blogroll and let me know you are there. I want to see what you are all about too...

R, CAG and G... Good Talk ;)


  1. Jeez, bud.. drink more booze and lay off the caffeine! Calm down, and cook some more.. I have 260 cookbooks, two are by Steve.. do your thing,- I know you can!

  2. Love Tammy's site. I've gotten a couple of free cookbooks from her site, just arriving in the mail in the last couple of weeks or so. I appreciate that she does all that work to find bargains and then shares her finds!

  3. Thanks for the great write up, gosh you make me feel special! I didnt realize I had that much on one page! This is why it's so much fun to blog, getting to know so many really nice folks!
