
Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Flying Nun Fantasy Continues - You Like Me - You Really Do!

Whoo Whoo... I am an award winning blogger!

I have received a few of these now, and I am always honored. Much Like Sally Field's Oscar acceptance speech, all I can think of to say is, "you like me... You really like me". I won't bore you all too much, but blogging is now a focal point to my life. I have started defining myself as a blogger, and my life is better because of it. Not only the better food I am making because I follow you all, but also the fun of sharing.

So, thanks to Frugal Southern Mom for this award! I will certainly display it proudly, but it also gives me a chance to honor a few of my RECENT finds...

First, here are the rules for accepting the award...

The Best Blog Award rules are:
To accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.
Pass the award to 5 other blogs that you have recently discovered and think are great! Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Well, first of all, I am going to break two of the three rules (hey, call the blog police).
I am going to nominate only two. I really want you all to take a look at their blogs. I know when i see five new links, i would be hesitant to start the process with that many. So, hopefully, with just two links to click you will give these deserving folks a look.
Second, I follow them, and check in whenever the post something new... Will be more fun to see if they do the same, and discover their honors. So, feel free to direct them to my site, but let them get the thrill of discovery...

So, here are my two nominees for RECENT discoveries, best blog...

Joanne has a fascinating back story, young living in the big city (22 year old, living in new York City), but she is beginning the Weill Cornell/Rockefeller/Sloan-Kettering Tri-Institutional MD/PhD program this year (2009) and hopes to do cancer research in the future. Isn't that a mouthful. BUT, in her spare time (???), she just finished the San Fransisco Marathon in three hours, 35 minutes, and will be running the next Boston Marathon. But, she also takes time to blog terrific recipes and stories of her life. Joanne is someone deserving of every award I could think of... And she has a lovely blog too!

And, since it is called a lovely blog award... there is no lovelier blog on my blogroll than...

I have written about here site before, and even stolen a recipe idea from her. But she really does go all out. Wonderful ideas, and hands down, the prettiest sight on the web! Today's post has her Halloween table decorations, and they are wonderful. Take a minute and stop by, you will be stealing her ideas too! Oh, and BTW, we recently exchanged a couple emails... In a former life, she used to be the only female (the cook) on an all male fishing boat. I want to hear more of those stories (hint hint).

So, there you go, and I think I can hear a couple people saying, "You like me, you really like me"; cause I really do.

And one more little bit of business...

I have seen my share of contests, but this one kicks ASS! Twirl and Taste is sponsoring an amazing contest... 6 of the above wine glasses, combined with a matching pitcher. Click HERE to take a look at her site and the details to enter.


  1. What's not to love?!?! Congrats on your award!

  2. Congrats on your Award! You deserve it.

  3. Congratulations on your award! Well earned and deserved.

  4. Congrats on your award, and those ribs are making me drool!

  5. More awards? Congrats Dave, you deserve these and many more!!

  6. Raking in the awards...congrats, again!
