
Friday, October 30, 2009

Ernie Banks, My favorite CUB, says - Let's Play Two (AWARDS)

Two awards in one day...

I finally got a few free minutes (hours) to catch up on all the blog postings I missed during my vacation. I was very happy to notice that earlier this week, I was honored by a terrific blogger! I was amused to receive this award for ANGEL IN THE KITCHEN (Click HERE to read her blog). Why amused, because she could not possibly have any free time to waste reading my blog, when this brand new addition to her family must be taking up all her free time.

But if Jack's mother thinks I have a blog worth reading, who (humble as I am) am I to argue. So, happily accepted, and it gives me a chance to honor someone that I LOVE READING (her) BLOG...

MARY, who writes ONE PERFECT BLOG (Click HERE to go to her site) is the one blog I most look forward to READING each day. Sure, she does great recipes, and she does great photos, but she also tells a little background story behind each recipe she posts. Take a look HERE, for a recipe and the story behind the timely posting of BREAD OF THE DEAD in celebration of the Day of the Dead celebration. She does these wonderful stories behind what we eat every day, and is a wonderful read! So, Mary... I LOVE READING YOUR BLOG, and this awards for you!

But Wait... There was MORE!

Nat, from GIRLS ARE MADE OF - Sugar and Spice & All That's Nice (which you can reach by clicking HERE) passed on the 360 degree Foodie Award to me! Honored, of course, but I think I was rewarded with the award due to the wine glass and liqueur bottle in the background than my "all around cooking ability", but of course I am going to jump on receiving this award!

But Mostly, I like receiving this award because it gives me a chance to recognize someone that really has all around 360 degree cooking skills, and deserves a 360 degree Foodie Award, Penny from the LAKE LURE COTTAGE KITCHEN (which you can find by clicking HERE)!

Take a look at her site, and you will see what I am talking about. While many of us just call ourselves cooks (and a few of us (me) desperately try to achieve that modest title), Penny works at gourmet cooking, and making it look easy. Beautiful settings, very pretty presentations and doable recipes, always with a little back story glimpse into her life. Everything I like in a blogger.

Take a look HERE, as she recreates a dinner party she had 34 years ago, complete with same guests and same incredible menu (brandy flamed Tournedos Henry IV with Artichoke Bottoms and a Bearnaise Sauce as an example).

Now this is a 360 Degree Foodie indeed, so I pass this award on, and well deserved. I LOVE reading her blog!

So, thanks for these two awards, I will of course display them with honor, but mostly thanks for letting me take a moment to recognize and advertise two more terrific bloggers!


  1. Thank you so much. I'm really thrilled with the award. I suspect you know that while I don't always comment I'm here several times a day. So, it's a right back to ya! I love your blog as well.

  2. Congrats on awards... I don't give or receive them- they can really pile up!

  3. You go guy! :) Congrats to all on the awards!

  4. Congrats on your awards- nothing wrong with a pile-up!

  5. Congrats on your awards and thanks for the introduction to these blogs. If you like them, I know I'll like them. I've subscribed to both.

  6. Aw Shucks Dave, Thank you so much for the award. We all blog because we love it but when others love and recognize what we do, it makes it all worthwhile. You know I love your blog too and I hope you keep it going for a long time. I can't remember what I did with myself before I started blogging.

  7. Congratulations Dave ! Although, the award from my place was not just for the wine bottle in the back ground, it was because you are a '360 degree foodie'. You Grill amazing, You Bake amazing (Ie :your recent bread baking success) and you write a really FUN read, always making me smile... in my opinion that makes for a well rounded foodie : ) ....

  8. Congratulations on your awards! I love both of the blogs you mentioned, too.

  9. Congrats on your awards! You totally deserve them. I always enjoy reading your blog. You write so well and have the best stories AND recipes :)

  10. Aw, that's my Jack! :) Thanks for all the tips for the new blogs to check out. And thanks for being such a committed blogger. Reading blogs like yours gives my lagging, exhausted motivation a much-needed boost!
