
Monday, September 7, 2009

1st GIVEAWAY CONTEST - FREE How to Grill Book

Greetings grillers! Frequent guests to this blog know that I am having a bromance with Steven Raichlen and his terrific "HOW TO GRILL" book. I have cooked and blogged about 18 of the recipes, and have another 2 cooked and waiting for a free day to blog about. Only a couple have disappointed, most have been terrific, and a couple are amazingly better than I ever dreamed (BBQ CABBAGE is by far better than anyone expects). If you follow my blog for the next year or so, you will read about me cooking each and every recipe in the book (including the whole hog... God help me). Well, I recently bought a spare copy of the book, and am going to offer this as a free give away to one my readers...

First, the legal stuff...
  • Open only to those with mailing addresses in USA or Canada. I am sorry, but the book weighs a couple pounds. it is too expensive and I am too cheap to mail internationally for free.
  • Contest opens the second this blog gets posted, so if you are reading this, it is an active contest. It will close at midnight on September 16th (a 10 day contest, instead of a 7 day contest because my wedding anniversary is on the 14th, and I am leaving for a couple days for a romantic trip to Branson, MO... But I digress.
  • The winner will be determined by assigning all entrants into a spread sheet, and announced on this blog at noon Central Time on Wednesday September 17, 2009.
  • This giveaway is sponsored solely by me, and my blog, My Year on the Grill. Sadly, no one except me is paying for the book, and no one except me will be paying for the postage.
OK, that ought to be enough of the legal stuff...

Here's how to enter...

  1. Read my blog over and Leave a comment... Leave a comment on the current day's page about a different days content. Let me know if there is a recipe I created that you might like to try (You can see a listing of those by clicking HERE); or find the recipes of Steven Raichlen's that I have made by clicking HERE; let me know which you might like to try. Or let me know which party I have held you would like to have attended. Anyone who comments about a past days blog gets ONE entry.
  2. Follow me... To the right of this post is a section called, "FOLLOW ME". If you add yourself to that bunch (11 of you are already in my data base), and make a separate comment (after you do one of the above comments), you get a SECOND entry.
  3. Blog about the giveaway on your own blog or blog about my blog on your blog. You must mention my blog by name (My Year on the Grill), say something nice about my content (I Post often, I am funny, I have cats, I am nice to my wife, my recipes do not make you throw up... anything like that) and include a link to my site by name and by link . Please make a comment so I know that you have linked, and you get a SECOND or THIRD entry.
  4. Twitter about the contest and My Year on the Grill. Make sure to leave a comment on my blog below or add @YearontheGrill to your tweet to let me know. This will add a SECOND, THIRD or FOURTH entry
  5. Do all 5... Comment, Follow Me, Blog about me AND Tweet about me and you will get a fifth BONUS entry.
  6. Only one entry per day per person in each of these catagories will be accepted, but you can comment each day in order to get additional entries. Same with tweeting or mentioning me on your blog. Only one FOLLOW ME entries will be accepted since you can only follow me once (logical), which means you can only get one bonus entry.
Good luck to my readers, it is a terrific book... a whopping 498 pages, with detailed instructions to make you a backyard king. You will not be sorry you entered!


  1. There I'm following now! Great contest, I don't have this one in my library but I know what a reference it is.

  2. Oh yeah, my comment about a previous post has to be the Pork Chops and Applesauce one, because I remember that episode to this day. To quote Peter Brady, "That's schwell" (Bogart accent).

  3. Hey, I already ordered the book from the link on your blog!! Looking forward to using some of the recipes in it, especially the cabbage one!!

  4. 1. I would totally have loved to attend your Labour Day weekend party you had this past weekend. Herme's birthday party, too! The cake was awesome!

    2. I follow you already.

    3. I just added you to my Twitter feed and have just tweeted about your giveaway. (you can find me on Twitter @wanderingcoyote)

    4. I will add a shout-out on tomorrow's blog post over at my place about your giveaway!

  5. I hope you get lots of contest entries! I'd enter, but I think that grilling book will have a better home with someone who actually owns a grill! ;-)

  6. Okay...awesome giveaway!!! I totally want to try that awesome pork loin w/ the bacon lattice!!

  7. I'm a new follower to your blog -- I just saw it mentioned on Crazy Asian Gal's -- and I'm loving it already! What a great giveaway. You've piqued my curiosity with the pork chop calzone, and I look forward to hearing how you improve upon the recipe!

  8. Following! I thought I was following you, I guess I was just reading it in google reader, and forgot to follow.

  9. Comment about a previous post - I went back and checked your posts that I had bookmarked. The grilled pepper salad was one that I though sounded great!

  10. Great giveaway! Count me in! Thanks for all the visits and comments on my blog while I was on vacation.

  11. My post with your shout out went up today, too!

  12. I would like to comment on your post from Sept 12. Redneck Cake Recipe Revisited - Killians Beer Bread with Pulled Pork Icing - This stuff looks really interesting - I would love to try it for a change of pace.

  13. I am following your blog

  14. I am following you on twitter too @plb8156 & I tweeted

  15. I would like to comment on your post from Sept 5 on how to grill quesadillas. I never actually thought of grilling these, but it sure looks good & something I would like to try.

  16. tweeted

  17. tweeted

  18. I would love to comment on your post from Sept 3 on how to grill chicken sates. These sound so yummy & I love your idea of weaving the chicken through the skewer to keep it from falling off:)

  19. tweeted

  20. I would like to comment on your post from Sept 10 on how to grill corn...your recipe sounds quite simple. It always seems to turn into an argument around here at barbques for some odd reason. Here's the big question? Do you think the husks need to be soaked?

  21. Ill be following you;) Be back tomorrow with a recipe I aodre on your blog.
