
Friday, July 15, 2011


Join me in support of Yahoo!’s $20,000 commitment to Share our Strength! This is a quick (30-second) way to commend Yahoo! for its partnership with an organization working to end hunger in the America.

To show its appreciation, Yahoo! has committed to donate $20,000 to Share Our Strength on behalf of US, the Foodbuzz community of publishers and readers.

In turn, you have the opportunity to show your support of this partnership by setting Yahoo! as your homepage by clicking on this link. Like what they’re doing? Let them know by changing your homepage!

Here are two things you can do raise awareness about this important cause:

1. Make Yahoo! your homepage now.
2. Share the campaign with your Facebook friends and Twitter followers.

Thanks for your support! 


  1. Thanks for letting us know about this, Dave. I hope you and Jackie have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  2. Oh wow, I didn't know about this...thanks for the heads up for this meaningful cause.

    (p.s...did you get my emails that I can't log in to eRecipe cards??? Help, please.)

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! You do some fun stuff here.

  4. Thanks for the PSA Dave - happy Monday!
