
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spinach Salad with Teriyaki Bowties

It's another session of what to do with the second half of one of those rotisserie chickens you buy every week.  And there are enough different tastes to satisfy everyone.  Jackie had asked for a salad recently.  So, when I saw Melanie's post at THE SISTER's CAFE, I knew I had another use for that rotisserie bird...

And here's an oddity... no rum, no extra spices, I didn't change a single ingredient.  I followed Melanie's recipe as she wrote it.  If you go to her post (click HERE), Melanie listed a few additional ingredients as optional.  But really, if you have a plate of spinach, do you really need to add parsley?  Adding the oranges and water chestnuts was already inching the price up.  So, unless you have them on hand, do as I did and leave out the craizins, parsley, ... And here is what she wrote...
Spinach Salad With Teriyaki Bowties 
submitted by Melanie

16 oz. Bowtie pasta, cooked and cooled
1 - 2 bags of fresh baby Spinach
2 small cans Mandarin Oranges
1 Red Pepper, chopped
1 can Water Chestnuts
1 bunch Green Onions, chopped
1 cup Honey Roasted Peanuts or Cashews
1/4 cup Sesame Seeds, toasted
2 cups torn cooked Chicken

1 cup Vegetable Oil
2/3 cup White Wine Vinegar
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Black Pepper
2/3 C. Teriyaki Sauce
5 Tbs. Sugar

Cook bowtie pasta according to directions, drain and cool while whisking the dressing together in a large bowl. Marinate cooked bowtie pasta in the dressing for 1 hour or longer in the fridge. Combine salad ingredients in a large bowl and pour the teriyaki sauce and pasta over the salad, toss together and serve. If it's just a few of you, make individual salad servings; keeping the salad and bowtie sauce separate for the rest of the week (no one likes a soggy salad).
This sauce is terrific!  Beyond terrific in fact.  The whole thing blended so well.  It was a perfect addition to my new series on what to do with those rotisserie chickens that are so cheap here in paradise.

Jackie loved it!  Thanks Melanie... A GREAT recipe!


  1. Love it! I've been picking up a rotisserie chicken every Friday afternoon because I go grocery shopping right after work, and by time I get home, it's late. So, I look forward to all your "what to do with leftover chicken" recipes. I'll be posting lots of them too!

  2. Very colorful too! Seems everyone uses those rotisserie chickens! And why not, they are good.

  3. Fabulous recipe. I'm waiting to see the others. The best part of today's salad is the wonderful color. That is a terrific photo of the salad. Jackie looks wonderful.

  4. Mm, sounds good to me and so pretty and colorful. Jackie is pretty! Lucky man! :)

    Hungry Dog

  5. That pasta has a nice substance to it- thicker, chewy, and takes flavor nicely!

  6. I love those rotisserie chickens and they are great for salads. I'm thinking you drank all the rum. :-)

  7. Dave.... SUPER YUM!

  8. I'm adding this to my Menu Plan for next week! This looks extraordinarily delicious!

  9. Love those store-bought chickens... you can do so much with them. This salad looks great.

  10. Jackie looks pretty happy to get getting her salad! It made my mouth water... I'm making it when I get home! Thanks Dave!

  11. This is a wonderful idea the colors!Bookmarking this one now!
    Jackie looks quite happy in paradise!

  12. No rum?! Well... it still looks good. Heh.

  13. I'm addicted to Craisins, so of course I'd add those, but the rest of the salad is perfection. Can't wait to try it!

  14. Great dish and dang, Dave....Jackie looks like you might not get her off of the island:)

  15. For you to not change the recipe, it must have been pretty darn good! I love all of the varied ingredients in here! Definitely a good way to use up that chicken.

  16. I am so glad you liked it as much as we do! The sauce really does make it! Your wife is so cute! She is lucky to have a hubby that loves to cook! What a treat!

  17. This dish looks divine! I love spinach and will give this beautiful salad a try, for sure, cher! Love the dressing, too!

  18. Dave, this is a KEEPER! Excellent find and share. Thanks.
