
Monday, March 29, 2010

Shrimp Scampi Pizza

You have to look close, but those are indeed shrimp sticking up out of that bed of cheese!

First thing I did was make a Mediterranean Herb Pizza Dough (that post to come soon, but the Mediterranean Herb rub mix is on my sister site... A Kansas Foodie in the Virgin Islands)...

Lets make the scampi...

2 TBS Garlic infused Oil
2 TBS Butter
6 cloves Garlic (minced)
3/4 pound of tiny salad Shrimp

Heat the oil, melt the butter, sauté the garlic and add... wait, slow down... Sauté the garlic for about 5 minutes to get the garlic flavors intensified into the oil/butter mixture.  The garlic/scampi flavor is in the oil, not the garlic.  

Meanwhile, if like me you are using a bag of frozen shrimp, be sure they are thawed, and use a paper towel to dry them off.  The shrimp will release moisture while you are cooking the pizza.  Don't add to the danger f a potentially soggy pizza dough.

NOW, add the shrimp and sauté.  Be sure to get all the pieces coated with the oil.   

I made my own pizza dough, infused with a Mediterranean Herb rub mix.  If you prefer, use one of the pre-made pizza rounds.

The dough I used needed to pre-cook for 10 minutes prior to adding the toppings.  Remember, shrimp cooks very fast.  I only want to cook the pizza with the shrimp added for an additional 10 minutes.

Add a layer of pizza sauce (I used a store bought)

I added a layer of provolone cheese

Then I added the shrimp.  DO NOT spoon the extra sauce on.  Sop it up with some bread if you like, it is very good, but do not add to the pizza.  The dough will get soggy.

Then I top with a layer of Italian cheese mixture.

Finally, another TBS of Mediterranean Herb rub mix is sprinkled over the cheese...

350 degrees for 10 minutes, or until the cheese is nicely melted.

OMG...  I made this for my wife on Friday.  I am continuing to further the cause of Christ on Earth by making a fish course on Friday's during Lent.

I do not observe the season myself (well, I guess I do just cause I eat what she eats, but she gets more out of it than I do).  However, I did a little checking.  In the 50's, the church would make eating meat a mortal sin and you were doomed to hell (or at the least purgatory) if you had those ribs you wanted.  But, thanks to the Vatican II conference of the early 60's, meat eating was no longer a mortal sin.

It does beg the question of what happened to those souls that ate meat during the time it was a mortal sin?  But, in the end, it is probably a moot point, as the type of people who eat meat on Friday are likely to be the type of people who commit other sins and they end up in the same place.

But not my wife, thanks to this Shrimp Scampi Pizza!

Now I have to find that "tongue in cheek" humor font...


  1. I too wondered about all the people who ate meat when it was wrong, and then what happened to them when suddenly it was okay. If they'd had this pizza though, they would have never strayed.

  2. Oh man, YOUR shrimp dish looks great! This is a keeper.

  3. What a great way to have shrimp! Pizza is my second favorite food. Those brats and pork chops like mighty good too.

  4. That pizza looks delicious. I wonder how it would be with an alfredo sauce on it... And maybe some scallops and crab, too?

  5. Wor, your pizza makes me salivating now, I must try this soon. Yummy !!

  6. OK - that last pic made me moan with pizza need. Sweet! - and overdue thanks for your veggie dip recipe! I am most grateful and look forward to trying it (the combo of coconut and raw carrots, I think, will remind me of carrot cake). For anyone who wants to check it out, too - Dave's Pina Colada Dip is here


  7. Not a Catholic, I think I saved alot of souls by having to eat fish every Friday for school lunches. This Pizza looks WONderful

  8. D - You have gone from being the grill king to the baking king! This sounds like a FANTASTIC combination for pizza!!!

  9. Scampi is one of my favorite shrimp dishes, then you make it a pizza. Two of my favorites together. GENIUS!!!

  10. "as the type of people who eat meat on Friday are likely to be the type of people who commit other sins and they end up in the same place."

    HEY! I resemble that remark!

  11. I'm not Catholic, so I eat meat on Fridays during lent, so I don't worry about it!

    HOWEVER, your shrimp scampi pizza looks outstanding! I can't wait to you post the crust recipe!

    Your wife is one lucky lady!

  12. I like shrimp scampi anything and the pizza looks outstanding.

  13. I make a white seafood pizza, but this looks delicious!

  14. That is a fine looking pie! You've made me hungry. I hope you are having a wonderful day...Mary

  15. Dave - love everything about this post - and you know I love my pizza and CHEESE!

    I might make this next Friday for my husband!

  16. Only you would be brave enough to put shrimp scampi on pasta. But it's quite a genius move. Looks delicious.

  17. I never liked to eat in the school cafeteria on Fridays when I was growing up. It smelled waayyyyy too fishy most of the time. You might try for that TIC font you are looking for:) I can't wait to try this pizza. Love the way it looks. Thanks for stopping by.

  18. Now this is my kind of pizza! Looks fantastic!

  19. Okay, I'm totally diggin' this recipe for sure! Popped by your other blogs - nice pictures. Looks like y'all are on an extended vacation there - now I'm even MORE jealous. ;)

  20. I think that this looks just perfect! I make my own pizza on most Friday nights and I'm going to have to add this to my line-up. Excellent combination of ingredients!

    I observe the season of Lent, but do not abstain from eating meat. My husband does. I'll have to make this for him (next year...I'm unexpectedly away from home until after Easter...I probably won't cook again until Lent is over). Actually, I won't wait until next year to bake this...I want it soon. But it may be an option for a Lenten Friday dinner next year.

  21. Two favorite dishes united, bravo. Beautiful pics. And who os the fool that said never pair cheese with seafood anyway. Many eons ago I worked for an Italian restaurant that made a delicious white clam pizza and believe me it was off the charts. You have given me new found hope and good reason to make a few "seafood" pizza's. I think I'll start with this version!

  22. Wow this looks fantastic! It does beg the question though, frozen shrimp? reall, you?

  23. Gypsy Girl GourmetApril 10, 2010 at 2:24 PM

    This sounds great! My boyfriend LOVES shrimp scampi and homemade pizza. . . I'll be making this next week for sure!

  24. I am picking this as my favorite recipe you have posted in the Virgin Islands, but I think I have a few other fav's, too. Hard to pick. I didn't realize how many great pizza variations you had come up with. Then there are all the other shrimp recipes. Of course, the breads look great, too. See, too many to choose, but this one is making me really hungry, so I am picking it.
