
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dave's Birthday Caribbean Lobster in a Cruzan Rum/Cream Sauce

It's a close race...
Who is older, dirt or me... I am gaining on dirt!

HIT THE PLAY BUTTON... Really, you will not be sorry, best birthday song I have ever heard...

And while you are reading... Come see what I made...

This is an adaptation of a recipe I saw on MiM's SEAFOOD BISTRO's website.

Here's what I did...

I changed a few ingredients and the quantities, so we will call this...

Dave's Birthday in the Caribbean Lobster!

2 TBS Olive Oil
1/2 cup diced Red Bell pepper
1/2 cup diced Green Bell Pepper
1/2 cup diced Mushrooms
1/2 cup diced Sweet Onion
1/2 cup diced Tomatoes
1/4 cup (one whole) diced Garlic
1/3 cup Heavy Cream
1/3 cup Cruzan Black Strap Rum

2 - 12 ounce Caribbean Lobster Tails!

Lot of chopping and dicing... great way for a foodie to spend his birthday!

And here's how to cook it...

Boil the lobster tails for ten minutes.

meanwhile, heat the oil  and in a large frying pan, saute the vegetables.  Add the rum and cream and simmer for 10 minutes.

Remove the lobster tails, split them in half and remove the meat.  retain the shells  Dice up the lobster meat into 1 inch cubes.

Add the lobster meat into the vegetable cream.rum sauce, and allow to simmer for 7 minutes...

Spoon the lobster and veggies into the shells...

I served these with a Mango Rum citrus baked white asparagus (Thanks for the inspiration Chris, will be blogging this recipe tomorrow), along with a chocolate/raspberry Chipotle shortbread with a Dark Chocolate Ganache...

And Wine

And Rum

 And an after dinner Scotch.

Like the song says... Time to celebrate the fact that I didn't die this year.

Come take a look at my other two blogs ... On my Kansas Foodie in the Virgin islands Blog, I made a rum drink -  FUNKY MONKEY - Having trouble getting the kids to eat fruit? Just add Rum and Chocolate!

 And on my Daily Photo blog, I take you on a Kitchen Reveal for the new Permanent Temp KITCHEN!


  1. Happy Birthday Dave! What a wonderful meal to celebrate this noteworthy day!

  2. Happy birthday Dave!! What an amazing looking meal...I'll be on the next flight out ;)

  3. Great presentation Dave - Happy Birthday

  4. loved the song!! Happy Birthday. I only had Lobster once and it was on the little "Unspoiled Queen" Isle of SABA. I still (after 6 years) dream of that lucious lobster.

  5. Happy Birthday Dave! Your meal is fit for a great birthday.

  6. Happy Birthday, Dave! That lobster looks amazing & love the presenatation as well. Cheers to you:)

  7. Was I the first blog friend to wish you a Happy Bday yesterday??

    My god that dinner looks amazing!! Great job!

  8. I don't know what's better that song or that Lobster supper! Definitely the lobster, happy birthday dude!

  9. Happy Birthday, mon cher ami!! Great lobster dinner for a great guy! Cheers!

  10. Happy Birthday Dave! And wishing you many more birthdays and great meals! :) Loved the song!!!

  11. Happy birthday! A great way to celebrate!

  12. Happy Birthday! The song is a hoot and the food looks delicious!.... oh and the wine and rum and scotch too!

    Ummm I did notice the wine glass in the pics cooking like the Galloping Gourmet? (am I dating myself?)

  13. Happy Birthday! Eating deluxe lobster in the islands is a present I'll never get!

  14. Couldn't get the song to play :( Have a great birthday!

  15. Happy birthday Dave! I can't believe you didn't even give us any forewarning!

    Lobster in cream sauce? Sounds like birthday food to me.

  16. Great food! Now are you doing the all week party thing? LOL Isn't your birthday like next Friday? I can't wait to see what else you come up with for this week. Happy Birthday Guy!

  17. Happy Birthday Dave! Lobster, wine, scotch....And living in the V.I....Well, it does not get much better.

  18. Happy Birthday and Good Eats!!!

  19. Happy Birthday!

    OMG that sounds excellent. Will you come cook for my birthday??

  20. Happy Birthday - this is a great birthday dinner!

  21. LMAO over the song "You didn't accomplish much, but you didn't die I guess that's enough", hilarious stuff!

    The lobster looks good!

  22. Happy Birthday Dave. Can't wait to see what you will make, next year.

    Comfy Cook sends her best for your birthday, also.

  23. Happy Birthday, Dave!! You look so young, and happy. :) What a feast, yum! Lobsters for the birthday boy. Couldn't have thought of a better dish.

  24. Wow, looks amazing!! Happy birthday! Rum and lobster, can't think of a better way to celebrate!

  25. Happy Birthday Dave. You look like one happy dude. Great meal!

  26. This was my favorite recipe lobster and usually only have it plain so this rich dish sounded really good to me!
