
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Caribbean Baked Goat Cheese Stuffed Peppers

Last week,the lovely ladies (and Chris) from OUR KRAZY KITCHEN hosted this event ---

A KrAzy Beachwarming Party!


There were LOTS of great recipes all with a tropical theme.  I saw a whole bunch that I will be trying in the near future, but one really stood out.  Great ingredients and most of the ingredients were easy to find here.  So, Thanks to Tamy from 3 Sides of Crazy for directing me to Bahama Breeze's recipe for Creole Baked Goat Cheese!

Of course, I am never content to leave a recipe alone, so I altered their inspirational recipe to create my version of  CARIBBEAN BAKED GOAT CHEESE STUFFED PEPPERS.  And Boy Howdy were these good...

Here's what I did...

This recipe made enough to stuff three peppers.  They were a little small, so it easily makes two.  The peppers are cut into quarters to serve, so the recipe easily makes 8 appetizer size servings.

1 tsp Olive Oil
5 cloves of Garlic, minced
1/2 sweet Onion, diced

 3 1/2 ounces Goat Cheese
2 Roma Tomatoes, diced and drained
4 TBS chopped fresh Cilantro and Parsley
3 TBS MISS ANNA's SWEET and SASSY SAUCE (This is a wonderful local sauce to St Thomas.  Click on the link for her website.  Her 100 year history of sauces can be ordered by mail.  Or, you can substitute your favorite BBQ sauce)
4 small/3 medium/2 large Red Bell Peppers, tops removed, and hollowed out of their seeds and membranes.  Be careful not to cut through the sides and bottoms.

Mix all the ingredients except the red peppers.  If  you like a little snap to your peppers, skip this step (I did).  But if you want your peppers cooked through, rub some olive oil on the peppers prior to stuffing and back in the oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.

But, I just stuffed the peppers with the cheese goop and then baked this at 350 for 12 minutes, til the top just starts to brown.
And these were just as good as I expected.  the goat cheese blended with the sweet and heat from the very good BBQ sauce.  The tomatoes added a texture and taste... and plenty of garlic!

First night we had these, we ate them as appetizers, slice into quarters and serve.

In the morning, I used them to Za Za Zing up an omelete...

I cut one of the quarters up into slices

Made a standard Julia Child Omelete... stuffed the insides of the eggs with the peppers and cheese mix just prior to rolling the omelete.

And served it up with a little left over Foccacia Pizza Bread.

Not just good... REALLY good!

Thanks tamy for directing me to this wonderful recipe!  You will be seeing this again!



  1. Anything with goat cheese!
    Nice party - sorry I missed it....

  2. I LOVE stuffed peppers. So many different things to fill them little time. These look delicious...especially with that pizza.

  3. Love it! Delicious.

    btw, A great beach party. I had a wonderful time. :-)

  4. LOVE goat cheese. Looks great Dave.

  5. So making goat cheese. Bet a little bit of grilled prawns mixed into this would be good.

  6. Great re-use in the omelet, Dave. Very creative and I bet quite delicious.

  7. Oh my Gosh: these must be amazing!! I love goat cheese!!!

  8. You are not only a great cook but also very creative with your leftovers! I've definitely been making use of any leftovers at my house. Especially since my hubby was laid off from his job 5 weeks ago. Hope you guys are having fun! :)

  9. I bet that was really great in the omelet! I'm all about using leftovers to create new meals. The pizza bread looks terrific too!

  10. I am always a recipe tinkerer as well. I bet that tasted wonderful on your omelette the next day.

  11. had me at GOAT CHEESE! They look fabulous! Love the way you used them in another dish the next day. Let no good goat cheese go to waste.

  12. This really sounds other worldly good. It looks like you took 3 deep breaths then fell right into the rhythms of your new life. Good for you, guy. Enjoy every moment of it. The experience will make for great memories in 20 years. Hugs to you both...Mary

  13. Those tomatoes look awesome. I can just taste one. Must try them just the way they are written. Happy islanding ;)

  14. Goat cheese makes everything better!

  15. You had me at goat cheese! :D Looks delicious and I love how you turned the leftovers into omelets!

  16. Stuffed red peppers, definitely worth making. thanks for sharing this recipe.

  17. So glad you enjoyed this recipe. It really stood out to me and we LOVED it. I love your left over idea, unfortunately we didn't have any leftovers :( - next time!

  18. These look and sound delicious! I'm sure I can find a good cheese in Wisconsin; the barbecue sauce, I may have to order special. Yum!

  19. Making these for the allergic to everything kid. She'll love these!

  20. I tried this and was fantastic! The cilantro really adds that Hispanic flare to it.
