
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Two all Beef Patties Special Sauce Lettuce Cheese Pickles Onion on a Sesame Seed Bun

For the first time in MONTHS (many months), I went to McDonald's the other day. I left feeling dirty (and my mouth tasting of salt). I can do better. This post is all about doing better...

Remember a couple days ago when the Master Baker makes HAMBURGER BUNS - And Bakes an Egg in 'em. Well, I can do more than just bake an egg in em. If you recall, I loaded these up with some red pepper flakes, so the buns started better, with a little za za zing already added. I did take one of the buns and cut the top and the bottom off so that I could get that Big Mac look of a piece of toast separating the double decker burgers. I also brushed each with some olive oil and toasted all sides to make them MORE better.

For the "special sauce", Which looks and tastes surprisingly like Thousand Island Dressing to me, I wanted to make it special indeed...

1/2 Jalapeno Pepper
1 TBS Mayonnaise
1 TBS BBQ Sauce of choice

And what would a "special sauce" be without a secret ingredient. Mine is a Tablespoon of honey. I also added some sun-dried tomatoes to add that extra little 90's hot restaurant ingredient to make my sauce just a little bit MORE better.

So, can you really improve the taste of just a couple beef patties. You betcha! Now, normally, I would make a burger of a mixture with about 25% of the patty being a flavored sausage. But, in the spirit of the better challenge, I stuck with the two all beef patties. I did use 80/20 ground beef, so that fat content (fat means flavor) was just right for a juicy burger. I made them pretty thin (you do have to be able to wrap your mouth around them). While they were cooking, I used a bit of Garlic Sauce on one side, and Soy Sauce on the other. These are both thin sauces that do not have the thickness of my "special sauce" above. So they acted as a marinade to be absorbed into the beef. My beef is MUCH BETTER!

For the cheese, I selected a very strong white cheddar. After the beef patties were cooked, I added the cheese and put the pan in the broiler for 3 minutes, so that the cheese was nicely melted. Sounds MUCH Better to me.

And now, it's just a matter of assembling the better parts to make a MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER BURGER. I like the looks of the fluffy lettuce, a slice of Vidalia sweet onion and sliced a sweet pickle.

Bottom bun


First Beef Patty without the Cheese


Special Sauce

Middle Bun

The Beef Patty with the Cheese

Onion Slice

Top Bun...

I don't want to say health food... It ain't. But really, doesn't this look BETTER and just a shade, it is BETTER for you. No preservatives, no additives, no added salt...

It is just ... BETTER!

And Hey, It's Thursday... And you all know what that means don't ya... Today I am hosting my weekly sister posting of I CAN COOK THAT, over at OUR KRAZY KITCHEN! If you follow the links, you will see a very detailed explanation of my journey to find an edible Brussels Sprout. I did it, not just once, but I actually made TWO recipes for good tasting Brussels Sprouts (and I hate Brussels Sprouts).


  1. Now, and for the rest of the day - maybe the rest of the week - I will have that infernal McDonald's song repeating itself in my head like a skipping vinyl record. You could at least send me a burger as consolation. Extra special sauce please. Thank you.

  2. Yeah, I'm guessing that was much better than McDonald's. It looks wicked good.

  3. definitely better! Too bad you;re so far away... I could definitely use one today!

  4. Your photos today are terrific, especially the one of you sampling Brussels Sprouts :-).

  5. Now if McD's could only serve me that! Also see if you can get that done to about 300calories please!

  6. This looks way better than anything I've ever seen at McDonald's. I haven't been there in years and don't plan to ever go back. Why waste the money?

  7. If I ever get fast food that looks like the picture on the menu- I'll let you know!

  8. I'll have the Big-Dave burger, hold the brussels sprouts.
    No... really... that burger made me so hungry for a .... real burger! Thanks for keeping it real Dave.

    ~Really Rainey!~

  9. My mouth is watering just looking at that burger! So much better than Mickey D's!!

  10. special sauce and all...dont take this the wrong way but - nice buns!

  11. Just the best burger in town! People will be driving up to your window asking for one of these beauties.

  12. i'll never be satisfied with mcdonalds again. the burger looks divine!

  13. I get a craving for a Big Mac every once in a while. I have a homemade version onmy blog also. They are fun to make. I like toasted buns with it:)

  14. You are sooo the man. Taking on mickey D's legend and bettering it. You go Boy!!!!!

  15. I would eat that just for the bun! But you're killing me. Hamburgers are my favorite food in all the world and I'm on a diet. Think I'll modify this a little.

  16. 2 all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun
    I now have an ear worm....
    The next time I make burgers - which will be in spring once the grill comes out, I'll make these. Mon mari would never eat a burger that was cooked in the kitchen - he has his pride.

  17. I have a confession to make. I love big macs.

  18. I'll say, it looks better. I love the grease and raw onion . . . the whole home-cooked burger experience! Yum.

  19. What a fabulous looking burger, mon ami! I see that you're hooked on that Cajun Power Garlic Sauce!! Me too, cher! It definitely adds a touch of Cajun to everything!

  20. But now you have to re-write the jingle with all your ingredients ;)

    LMAO over your sprouts picture.
