
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

LOBSTER POT PIE - Restaurant Quality Main Course

Almost done with Christmas!!! I am still posting my Christmas Eve Dinner. It was a real present to me, as my wife and I spent the entire day cooking specialty menu items from memorable meals.

As a main course, I made a LOBSTER POT PIE. But not just any lobster pot pie, the inspiration for this dish came from a meal we had at Emeril's New Orleans Fish House in Las Vegas. Jackie and I went there more than a dozen years ago, and we still remember this story...

Jackie happens to really like lobster. We went to Emeril's mostly because I thought I would be able to buy her a lobster. Well, the menu was very involved, with a long description of the offered lobster dish. I read it over, and we discussed what all those words broke down to, and it did not sound like a basic lobster and butter. We specifically asked the waiter if it was a "Lobster pot pie", and he assured us that it was in fact a fabulous meal, filled with lobster meat and accented with lovely vegetables all covered with a rich cream sauce. he made no mention of the meal covered in pastry. Of course, when it arrived, it was a... LOBSTER POT PIE. It was a very good lobster pot pie, but it was still a fancy lobster pot pie.

Well, when it arrived, I was not... thrilled (to say the least). But, I did not want to be "that guy", that throws a hissy fit in front of a date. But at the same time, it was not what we wanted nor expected from the waiter. We had already established a friendly banter with the wine sommelier. He over heard our discussion about what we wanted to do. Well, short story version... he did the right thing. My wife's meal was comped, we received dessert free and somehow we ended up on Emeril's Christmas card list. For the next 5 years, we received cards with recipes and a pre-printed signature, as well as a Cajun Christmas scene. That pot pie was a great error in our favor! Just the term, lobster pot pie makes us both smile!

So, on with the recipe. This was going to be the most difficult and time consuming menu item of the day. It was especially nice when Jackie agreed to be my sous chef and did a lot of the chopping and stirring. Have to admit, after 10 hours of cooking, I was getting a bit punchy. How do "real" chefs do it???

This recipe was adapted from The Food Channel recipe for... EMERIL's LOBSTER POT PIE.

First, here's the ingredient list that I used... Recipe as printed made two servings

2 TBS Butter
1/4 pound Shiitake Mushrooms, diced
1 minced shallot cut thin slices and rings separated
3 TBS Brandy
3 TBS Crab Boil
1 TBS Flour
1 cup Buttermilk
1/4 cup frozen Peas
pinch Salt
1/4 TSP Nutmeg
1/4 TSP Cayenne Pepper
1/2 TSP Thyme
3/4 pounds lobster meat cut to bite size
1 TBS Chopped Chives
1 TSP Tarragon

OK, showing off a bit, as I make my own puff pastry, but you can certainly use the store bought,
1 egg whisked for wash

  1. In heavy Sauce pan, melt butter, add mushrooms and cook about 5 minutes over medium heat until wilted and golden brown around the edges
  2. Add shallots and cook until softened, about 1 minute
  3. Add the brandy and cook until almost completely evaporated.
  4. Sprinkle the flour over the top of the mushrooms and shallots. Stir to combine and cook for an additional 2 minutes.
  5. Add the Crab boil and buttermilk and whisk until smooth. Continue to cook until thickened.
  6. Add peas, salt, nutmeg, cayenne pepper and thyme and cook an additional 15 minutes, until sauce is very thick.
  7. Set aside til cool.
  1. You can make this all in one large casserole dish, or, as I did, use smaller individual dishes for singe serve. Roll out and cut your pastry as needed to fill the sides and edges of the dish(es), allowing it to droop over the sides 1/2 inch, also save enough to cover the top.
  2. Add the stuffing goo
  3. Also, save just a small amount to make a decoration... If you look close, you will see a little lobster in the center of the final dish.
  4. Cover with the remaining pastry dough
  5. Press tightly to seal the edges
  6. take a knife point and put a few holes in the top to allow steam to escape
  7. Brush on the egg wash
  8. add the decoration, and add that wash as well

  9. preheat oven to 400 degrees. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until pastry is puffed and golden brown and sauce is bubbly hot!
Plated this with the Hericot Vert from yesterday, and served with a dry red wine.

Everything we remembered... rich, thick, fabulous tastes. Perfect in every way...

including the presentation.

Good eats!

And tomorrow... we conclude with DESSERT!

Just in case you aren't paying close attention, I am posting my Christmas Eve dinner with my wife. We decided to recreate our culinary journey through restaurant quality meals. So far, you have missed...
Come back tomorrow to see what we did at 7 PM when we finally get to dessert of the meal!! ...


  1. I loved the story behind the pot pie. Yours is absolutely gorgeous.

  2. I dont think anything sounds as good as your lobster pot pie. You are my hero with this recipe.. delicious! How are ya gonna top this?

  3. I enjoyed the story too! This recipe is a true labor of love.

  4. WOW!!! I love a GREAT!!! potpie recipe and this one tops the list. THANKS!!! for the recipe and story.

  5. Yes, we have a 10-night cruise for our honeymoon. Bahamas, Turks & Caicos, Dominican Republic, Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. I've only been to Aruba before and all of the islands will be new for Josh. After all this cruddy weather, we're ready for some sunshine and warmth! :-)

  6. Oh man, lobster pot pie! Does your wife know how lucky she is?!

  7. This has been a great journey through your Christmas eve and I have two things to say - I wish I had been there to enjoy it with you and you are da man - what a chef you are.

  8. i become more and more jealous of your christmas dinner with every post. i don't know if it could get any better!

  9. you know what? this lobster pot pie is what! make your own puff pastry - why I should put you in a headlock just for saying that! Well done.

  10. I've been loving this series Dave. Thanks for taking all of the time to share.

  11. Dave, WOW!!! Awesome. And then some.

  12. Lobster pot pie.... how divine.

  13. Lobster Pot Pie sounds good to me... actually just about anything lobster... looks great... and the story was great too... thanks for sharing.

  14. I've really enjoyed the journey through your special Christmas menu with your wife. Can't wait to see what dessert is!

  15. I a fan of a big ol' lobster tail, straight up...with butter. But this recipe does marry two of my favorites, lobster and pot pie. I bet it is wonderful. Can't wait for dessert : )

  16. What a labor of love this meal has been! Incredible, cher! The Lobster Pot Pie looks divine! How do real chefs do it? They get paid to cook!!! Now that would be nice!

  17. Looks delicious Dave- loved your whole story!

  18. Very nice! The crust looks so delicious as well!

  19. Fantastic mosaics and presentation! Your photos are really making my mouth water! Precisely what they are supposed to do! Great job Dave...

  20. Beautiful presentation on an ambitious recipe. Making your own puff pastry is impressive. Where did you find the time?

  21. You always keep me on the edge of my seat. I love how you tell stories. What a lovely, personal anecdote. I am totally WOWED by your effort and photos! Give yourself a pat on the back - you did a SPECTACULAR job. You do know that you've crossed the point of no return, yes? From now on, we'll all be expecting restaurant quality posts, like this one, from you.

  22. I thought I went crazy cooking over Christmas! Incredible!

    Thanks for always posting on my blog. I really look forward to your comments.


  23. Wow, this is impressive. not just lobster pot pie, but lobster pot pie with homemade puff pastry? Nice job. It really looks lovely.
