
Thursday, November 5, 2009


Whew, Lot to cover today, so hold on for the ride, it will be worth it!

First up... Today is a fun day for me. I have been asked to be a guest poster at OUR KRAZY KITCHEN (That you can reach by clicking HERE)! As part of my My Wife's Boss is Coming to Dinner - Sucking Up for a Raise Menu - Thanksgiving Preview, menu, I made this original recipe, a wonderful little Vegetable and Cheese GALETTE with Balsamic Vinegar. If you click the Krazy Kitchen link, you will see that recipe in all it's glory. And before I get accused of it, let me admit that I am breaking rank with my hairy knuckled Neanderthal meat fire cooker brothers and posting that recipe on that site just to show off to the girls (and a few guys) who are REAL cooks. I feel honored to be asked, and wanted to show off a bit. So, please follow the links and take a look at their group effort site. And if you like what you see, get involved. I might have found a group I can be a part of. So thanks Tamy, I hope you like what I did.

And next... I was recently contacted by O. No, not "that" O, but O OLIVE OIL (Which you can reach by clicking HERE). O Olive Oil is the original maker of organic CITRUS-CRUSHED Olive Oils and premium Barrel aged Wine Vinegars. I was given a sampling of their extensive product line, and was asked to "PLAY - ENJOY - WRITE/BLOG AWAY". Well, while waiting for my shipment to arrive, I took a look at their website for details about their company... Oh My is all I can say. These are artists in the art of oil press and aging vinegar. For details, click this link for the process an Abruzzese olive mill that crushed lemons along with the olives creates. From the humble beginnings, they have been recognised by OPRAH (yeah, that O), Bon Appetit, Gourmet, magazines, as well as Good Morning America, The Tyra Banks Show and the New York Times as perfect products!

The good folks at O Olive Oil have provided me a gift box of their FALL COLLECTION (pictured above) of products to GIVEAWAY. The collection includes 1 bottle each of their O Zinfandel Vinegar, O Blood Orange Olive Oil, O Porto Vinegar. "Imagine roasted beet salads with chunks of insalata ricotta cheese. A $38 value"! I love contests, and you can read the details about how to win at the bottom of this post...

OK, I promise that tomorrow I will post all about my POMEGRANATE CAJUN INJECTED BUTTER BASTED TURKEY, worthy of serving to your Mother-in-Law (or your wife's Boss). But I wanted to post a recipe I made with one of the vinegars that I was sent by O OLIVE OIL today in order to launch the giveaway contest.

So, here's what I did to show off their product...

I made a HUGE bird, 20 pounds. I carved one breast for the Bosses' dinner. I was able to save the entire other breast to use for a turkey leftover recipe! I carefully removed it intact so that I could do amazing things with it...

But first, I leapfrogged out of my comfort zone, and for the first time ever, your humble hairy knuckled neanderthal host... MADE A STOCK!

Here's what I did to make the stock...

I stripped as much of the meat as possible from the bones. I busted them up in order to fit into the crock pot. I added some vegetables, carrots, garlic and red onions. I also added a bit more Cajun spices (two tablespoons). I filled the pot with as much water as would fit (it ended up making 8 cups) Turned the crock pot on medium and let the smells fill the kitchen!

8 hours later, I removed the big pieces, strained the stock and fast as you could say, "Bob's your Uncle", I added a new cooking skill to my growing list of things I never knew I would do in the kitchen before I started blogging.

And here's what I did with some of the stock...

I took 1 cup of the stock,
added 3/4 cup of a flavored vinegar. If you are trying to replicate this recipe, a rice wine vinegar, a quality balsamic or even some cooking wine can substitute. But I was lucky enough to have been sent a bottle of O OLIVE OIL's O Champagne vinegar.

"O champagne vinegar

Our most popular vinegar. O Champagne vinegar sparkles with crisp, light and dry accents celebrated in regional California champagnes. Barrel-aged in white oak. Timeless aging and evaporation removes the bubbles and enhances the brilliant complex flavors. $12"
I added the O Champagne Vinegar to the stock, and
added 4 tablespoons of brown sugar, and heated and stirred to a soft simmer.

I added a teaspoon of fresh spices, thyme and rosemary (I didn't have any parsley or sage, but I sang the song anyway). I let this simmer while I worked on the stuffing for the turkey breast.

I made a simple red pesto... In my mini chopper, I put...

1/2 a short pour jigger of the O Champagne Vinegar (since it is a liquer based oil, I used liquer measurements, but for the non drinkers in the crowd, about a half a short pour shot, or half an ounce)
1/4 cup red pepper
1 Tablespoon pine nuts
1 basel leaf

half dozen twists of peppercorn ground

I split the turkey breast, in the middle I put a couple of slices of provolone cheese (my favorite cheese to cook with), and topped with the red pesto. I then topped with the second half of the turkey breast, and topped with a few more slices of provolone.

I then poured the hot O Champagne vinegar/stock/brown sugar mixture over the breast.

in a baking dish, covered just about 1/2 inch of the breast.

This is to be cooked just to warm up. You are adding moisture to the breast, but overcooking will certainly dry the breast out... in the oven, cook at 300 degrees for about 45 minutes and the cheese will be nicely melted and the breast warmed completely.

But I didn't do that...

I needed my oven at higher temperatures for other projects, so I fired up my gas grill and used it as an oven. I set it up for indirect grilling and (because I know the heat zones of my grill) I raised the dish up an inch over the grill by putting an upside down dish under the cooking dish. You may not need to do this to use your grill as an oven. I have a 4 burner grill, so I just turned the two outside burners to low-medium, leave the middle burners off, and it works great to reheat this.

I was all done with that sucking up to the boss nonsense of the night before, and invited our fun neighbors Herme and Jim over for dinner (they brought the wine - whoo whoo)!

While everything was cooking, we popped open a bottle of O clementine olive oil that the good folks at O OLIVE OIL had also sent me... I just poured a little into a dish, and served it up as a bread dip (have i ever mentioned I am a master bread baker?). I had some of the Fugasse bread left over from the night before! WOW, what a great flavor! The process the O people use involves crushing the olives and the citrus together. Much more than just a flavored infused oil.

"O clementine olive oil

Limited production. The sumptuous taste of fresh mandarin olive oil. A flavor sensation when mixed with O California White Balsamic for the perfect vinaigrette. Sweet & tangy.

Perfect for summer salads & fresh crab. Absolutely delicious mixed with O Cassis vinegar brushed over grilled chicken with black sesame seeds. $18"
Back to the Turkey breast...

And here is the finished product!

Stuffed Turkey Breast with

Very moist and full of wonderful flavors!

Served it up with some left over savory bread pudding (that I moistened with some of the turkey stock... have I mentioned that I am now a master turkey stock maker?). I will be blogging about the savory bread pudding in a few days...

Must have liked it, this is all that was left after the four of us dived in. Bet you my lunch today is better than your lunch!

The sauce really flavored this up a lot. Different from a gravy, it ads zest to the leftovers instead of just moisture, With all the flavored vinegars coming into the market (as well as mail order from O), I will be making this (or a version of this) again this holiday season. the sauce is perfect for leftovers, or to spice up a turkey breast if you don't go to all the trouble of making an entire bird.

OK... Contest time...
3 ways to win!
3 prizes to win!!!

I LOVE these products. Quality will show, and I was inspired to create something special with them. O Olive Oil has been very generous in offering not just one gift, but three combinations of their oils/vinegars. So, I will be offering three ways to win...

First, I will be running a similar contest at OUR KRAZY KITCHEN (That you can reach by clicking HERE)! Follow the link, follow the rules about posting a comment on that site and you double your chances.

Next, on my site, just follow the link I am posting to the O OLIVE OIL HOME PAGE (that you can reach by clicking HERE). Surf around and see what they are all about. take a look at their about us page, and especially enjoy their "crush" page where you can really see the quality and difference they put into their product. Finally, head to their products page and follow the links on the side to see all the different items they have for sale. then come back here and just make a comment about which is your favorite product. Everyone who leaves a comment on this page listing a product that O OLIVE OIL sells will receive an entree into the contest/ I will assign each entry a data base number, and use WWW.RANDOM.ORG to pull a virtual number out of a hat and let you know who won! This contest is open to US and Canada only (sorry to my very loyal reader in Saudi Arabia). You can get a second entree if you become a "follower" to my site (those little pictures of faces at the top of my center sidebar). If you are already a follower, just drop me that message in my comment section.

One more time, here is what the winner wins...
The Fall Collection
3 bottles in an attractive gift box
O Zinfandel Vinegar, O Blood Orange Olive Oil, O Porto Vinegar.
In a decorative gift box
Imagine roasted beet salads with chunks of insalata ricotta cheese. $38
Good luck to all!

Oh wait... that's just two ways to win (comment here, comment on OUR KRAZY KITCHEN, I promised a third...

How about a ...


The good folks at O OLIVE OIL COMPANY want to see what you might do with their oils or vinegars. Now, you do not have to list an original recipe, simply comment here a link to something you have posted in the past. It can be a magazine recipe, original or great grandma's recipe. It can even be just an idea for something you might like to try. I will forward all these ideas to the vice president of O OLIVE OIL and he will decide which recipe he would most like to see made with any of their products. Please leave these comments separate from the comments you made above so I can keep track. The comments must be attached to this post, and are only open to residents of the US or Canada. Again, no need to post the recipe on my comments page, just send me a link to what you have posted previously. If you have not posted, you have a week to post and get the link to me. Or, you can comment with just your idea of what you would like to do with their oils.vinegars. One hint I should pass on from O - remember these are mostly finishing oils and do not do well when heated—the citrus portion tends to dissipate under certain temps. Though our blood orange does well on roasted fowl and grilled seafood so often it depends on the recipe/use. Jalapeno lime does great on grilling veggies so...depends. That’s what makes it fun to experiment. The vinegars, of course, are another thing. They are great for reductions, for punching up soups/stews, adding flavor texture to most any thing. Experiment. Play. Enjoy.

Feel free to submit a recipe post on this site AND submit a recipe on the OUR KRAZY KITCHEN site. There will be only one winner from both sites, but this way you can enter twice to double your chances. If you have any questions, drop me a note. The contest closes at midnight, next Friday, November 13th, and a winner will be announced over the weekend. It will take just a few days longer to announce the winner of the recipe contest...

Oh yeah, the winner of the recipe contest will receive a gift box of your choice of one of the seasonal box collections...

fall collection
O Zinfandel Vinegar, O Blood Orange Olive Oil, O Porto Vinegar.
Imagine roasted beet salads with chunks of insalata ricotta cheese. $38 value

spring collection O Ginger Rice Vinegar, O Jalapeño Lime Olive Oil, O Citrus Champagne Vinegar. Early spring fish tacos with crunchy slaw will sing with these exotic flavors. Crumble feta cheese in there for the Wow! $38 value

summer collection O Champagne Vinegar, O Meyer Lemon Olive Oil, O Pomegranate Vinegar. Perfect for late summer heirloom tomato & garden lettuces. $38 value

winter collection O Sherry Vinegar, O Ruby Grapefruit Olive Oil, O Porto Vinegar. The Ruby and Porto in this gift set will dazzle home chefs gathered around warm fires with crusty bread & brie. $38 value

And now... Good luck to everyone!


  1. I love the sound of the O blood orange olive oil. It would be great drizzled on my Orange glazed Cornish Hens.

  2. Dave, enter my Orange Glazed Cornish Hens in the recipe contest. I would drizzle them with O Blood Orange Olive Oil. Here is the link.

  3. I found a bottle of their orange olive oil at Marshall's and fell in love with it! I drizzle it on everything from salmon to steamed brocolli.

  4. 5:30am is way too early for me to be reading delicious posts like this. I am going to be hungry all day. Their vinegars sound as good as their oils. I am having a hard time choosing a favorite. I think the meyer lemon oil would be fun to try, but then, I'd like to try the clementine oil, too. Or the plain balsamic or.....

  5. Here is a link to my "go to" company roast. It's a Tuscan Pork loin. It would be fabulous drizzled with a bit of balsamic. As olive oil is my favorite oil to use in just about all of my cooking, it goes without saying that this would be great with "O."

  6. Well good grief, look at you! You are cooking up a storm and so creative. I'm very interested in this product. It sounds like they have some fabulous products. Thanks for the post.

  7. Sounds delicious! I can think of a hundred ways to use this product.... thanks for the great post.

  8. I made this salad last night and haven't had a chance to blog about it. Instead of the olive oil/lemon dressing that I prepared, I would simply drizzle this with the delicious sounding O Clementine Olive Oil.

    Crab, Avocado and Asparagus Salad

    Layer onto plates:
    1 pound asparagus-blanched and sliced
    6 medium basil leaves, coarsely chopped
    1 small shallot, coarsely chopped
    1/2 cup flat-leaf parsley leaves
    Fresh ground pepper and salt
    3 1/2 ounces pea shoots, trimmed
    1/4 cup salted roasted pistachios, coarsely chopped
    1 pound jumbo lump crab meat
    2 Hass avocados, each cut into 8 wedges

    Drizzle with Clementine Olive Oil - which is also my choice for favorite product.

  9. Do your turkeys always get that dark in the smoker? Do you use smoke the whole time? Inquiring minds want to know..

  10. Ok...I'm already following thats done. I commented on the other site...check....I think I'd like to try the O jalapeño-lime Olive Oil, or O jalapeño-lime tapenade...can't decided LOL (or maybe the citrus champagne vinegar?)...and well, you can probably guess the recipe I'd use LOL

    Grandma Sally's Marinated Mushrooms
    1 1/2 lbs. mushrooms (I use crimini)
    3/4 cup oil
    1/3 cup champagne vinegar
    1 1/2 tsp. salt
    3/4 tsp sugar
    1/2 tsp basil
    6 - 10 pepper corns
    1 bay leaf
    1 garlic clove

    Now...if I were to get the Jalapeno Lime Olive Oil, I would have to make some alterations ;)

  11. My stomach is growling and I'm drooling all over my keyboard! Your Turkey looks absolutely delicious!!

  12. I would just like to clarify that I shave my knuckles every week.

    I would lean toward the vinegars. The O california port balsamic vinegar would be great on so many things

  13. I am here not to join the contest because I stayed too far away. Just want to say all the food here are so delicious.

  14. I'm not here to enter the contest, just to tell you how much I like this post. Your turkey breast sounds out of this world delicious.

  15. I HAVE to win this. *I* am the olive oil queen. I LOVE the stuff. I especially like the looks of O Blood Orange. I think they all look terrific though.

  16. Well well well, I already use their Champaign Vinegar in my salad dressings and I am a follower of yours, thats two entries, LOL!

  17. Wow, what a great post! I don't know how you do it! When do you sleep? Your turkey breast looks divine and that stock is the best! The oils look fantastic, too, but I am really looking forward to your Cajun injected turkey! Cest bon, cher!

  18. Now thats the way to use leftover turkey! Good Gawd Man! You are really branching out into your kitchen! That's awesome! I'll go check out "our crazy kitchen" when I leave here... Thanks for makin me hungry too early for lunch! HA.
    ~Really Rainey

  19. That turkey looks freakin' fabulous!! Oh my gosh...I'm going to dream of it tonight...

  20. That's a fantastic looking turkey breast; I'd be crashing one of your parties if I lived closer to you Dave!
    The oils and vinegars sound delish, especially the jalapeno lime olive oil-it sounds amazing! And, I'm already a follower.

  21. I'm a follower, but my husband is the chef. I love the recipe for the turkey. I've never seen it done that way and it looks so hearty and cold weather worthy! Excellent post.

  22. The contest I'd really love to win is the chance to come over for dinner! Yummy stuff happening over there and the O stuff is quite the awesome bonus! :-)

  23. Not entering your contest (though it sounds TOP drawer). Just wanted to say that turkey sounds totally irresistible. WOW!!

  24. I agree with Martha about winning one of your dinners! :)

    Ironically I had a Champagne Salad Scheduled to post next week for Dieter's Delight at OuR KrAzY KiTcHeN, but I posted it early just for your contest as Champagne vinegars are one of my favorites to work with.

    Thanks again for guest hosting today! We look forward yo seeing you again soon.

  25. I've never heard of that olive oil company before. Thanks for introducing it. After checking out their web page, I think the blood orange olive oil sounds amazing..

    BTW, your food looks awesome!

  26. Mmm... Can I just say I wish I were your wife's boss! That Turkey looks fabulous. I checked out the O Olive Oil site, too. Do I have to choose a fav? I guess if I had to get just one, I would try the ruby red grapefruit. I have never had a grapefruit olive oil, but sounds great

  27. Hmmmm, many interesting choices over there, but the one that sparked my interest the most was the Cuvee vinegar. I like Cuvee wine, so I would love to try it in my favorite salad dressing recipe, not so much a 'recipe', but nonetheless, I would try it there and in a marinade for some chicken.

    Already a follower. Need to go check your guest post now......

  28. Great product! The possibilities are endless!

  29. What an amazing giveaway! I love flavored oils and vinegars. I think the product that I would most want to try on their page is their jalapeno lime citrus oil. I could see it adding that extra kick to any kind of Mexican, Caribbean, Latin American, or South American food.

    That being said, I am also a huge fan of vinegars and I bet their balsamic vinegar would go SO WELL in this eggplant caponata that I made not so long ago. Here is the link to the recipe Thanks for having this!

    And I am a follower!!

  30. I'm really impressed with the line of citrus oils, I think the O jalapeño lime olive oil would be interesting to try

  31. The Jalapeno Lime Olive Oil would be a lot of fun is a pasta salad. It should allow you to highlight some great summer flavors without having to overdo a dressing...

    Thanks for sharing!

  32. Hmmm, well I didn't post a recipe, so I said I would like the cuvee. My favorite fresh salad dressing is:
    2 TBSP sugar
    2 TBSP white vinegar (where I would sub Cuvee)
    1/4 cup oil
    4 dashes hot sauce
    pinch salt and pepper

    How's that?
