
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Kitchen Reveal Day

Penny from LAKE LURE COTTAGE came up with a terrific idea, November 18th would be the first annual kitchen reveal day! I have this image of every one's kitchen, and would love to see where you all create your magic. I very quickly agreed to play along. So, here we go (BTW, if you double click on any of these photos, the magic of the Internet will make them bigger if you want to see some more details)...

It's a gray ugly day outside in god's country, but usually, with the windows open, it is very bright and sunny. We have a tall cathedral type ceiling, makes the room look VERY large (but does not make the counter tops any bigger (sigh). I have a very convenient bar separating the kitchen from our dining room. I don't mind an audience, but I prefer not to have help. It's a great gathering spot to serve appetizers as I am trying to get everything served hot at the same time.

We have a cheap little sitting area that is mostly used by our cats. But notice the back wall. It does not show well in the photos, but in a rare Martha moment, my wife got this terrific idea... The bricks are all individually painted. Paint the wall gray, then use a sponge to make the bricks, and spend ALL day adding individual touches to make the bricks look unique. Like snowflakes, no two bricks are exactly alike (now would be a good time to double click that photo so you can see what I mean). It is so realistic looking that new people always go back to rub the wall to be sure.

I like this touch that was added, again, not a sign, but painted into the wall (Scott is our last name).

Here's a funny shot (to me). When I started cooking as a hobby, I begged to get my own cabinet space (it is hard to share a kitchen). I was given the lower cabinet and a single drawer. Last week, I got the cabinet above as mine. Eventually, mine all mine bwahahaha

My wife likes magnets.

Someday we will organize this better (soon, mine all mine, bwahahahaha), and yes, we recycle in god's country)

View towards the dining room.


We liked this guy a lot... And in another Martha moment, we put red colored glass marbles in the glass to look like red wine.

I have no idea why my wife finds this funny??? This can't be about me, I wear a T-shirt with sleeves.

This is my cat Eng. He likes to help cook, gives me someone to talk with. We never ever let him walk on the counters... never, really, never, ever... really. Would I lie to you, of course not, after all, have you ever been lied to by a man, of course not... But, I am 100% positive that we never serve anything in our house without a little bit of cat hair protein added to taste.

My wife's cat Cheng is not as thrilled with the cooking process, and spends 23 hours a day in her basket. Anyone have an idea why the active fun cat is so fat, while the lazy good for nothing cat is thin???

We have crystal, just like fancy folks! And, we do try to use them. Sure, they are expensive and breakable, but you should use them. It's just stuff and it is replaceable, but what are you saving it for... use it! Same thing with fancy underwear... ladies, what are you saving it for???

OK, I said replaceable, but the memories are not. Here's a clue into the sordid past I led before I started cooking... Notice the rocks glasses here, they were a wedding gift from Jimmy Doohan, Scotty from the real (original) Star Trek. His drink of choice was gin and tonic (three ice cubes).

And this Japanese serving dish was a gift from George Takei (Sulu). He drinks Merlot.

And Flounder from Animal House was a guest at my wedding reception! Oddly enough, he does not drink at all. Someday I will tell the tale.

So, join the fun, what does your kitchen look like (feel free to post another day, the rules of the Internet are flexible).


  1. Oh this was so much fun. Thanks Dave for have a LOVELY space...I liked everything i saw including the fake brick wall and sign. The modelling cats are pretty adorable too... : ) ...

  2. I loved visiting your kitchen. :-(Mine is always clean :-).

  3. I love your kitchen! I saw her post about today but I did a kitchen remodel reveal while you were in Nawlins :(

    p.s. regarding the burning of things cooked in a silcone pan, no fracking clue? Maybe put a pan under them?

    p.p.s. how do you know all these famous folks?

  4. Your kitchen is lovely. Wow, you actually know the actors from the original Star Trek? I bet there's an awesome story there! Do tell one day, okay?

  5. You have wedding gifts from Scotty!! That is seriously cool. The wall is amazing and the kitty cats are adorable.

  6. What a fun tour! I especially like the paint job. Who knew?! Fake bricks. Very cool. Someday we'll move to a place where I can love my kitchen again. For now, it's kind of a hole..all dark wood and horrible peach tile. I'd much prefer the openess of your space and those crisp white cabinets. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Hey Dave, I love your kitchen. Your wife is one talented lady to faux paint that brick and plaque. I love the white cabinets and layout. Wedding present from Scotty! Wow. I agree about the crystal and underwear but never made that association before. Keep working on expanding your space. Thanks for participating. I will post about all of the great kitchens in a while. We have had company.

  8. you have a great kitchen, this is a fun idea. i'll have to take some pics myself!

  9. I love looking at people's kitchens, almost as much as I like seeing what is in their refrigerator. Is that weird?

  10. Wow, wow and wow! Your kitchen is really REALLY nice. I am so jealous. Your cats are huge...all that Kansas wheat, huh? I used to live in Lawrence KS....not sure how far that is from you.

    Thanks for sharing all those pics.

  11. Hi Dave, that's a nice roomy kitchen. Mine is about half of your size which is probably why I do the majority of my cooking outside.

  12. Oh My Gosh! Those bricks look so real! I loved reading this post and viewing your kitchen. I was giggling at your comments all of the way through...come see mine!

  13. Dave you have a beautiful kitchen, the white looks so clean and contemporary. The cabinets, wow the cabinets, you have so much stgorage and I love that you are working your way to obtaining the whole empire!

    Hey, how do you know all these famous people? These would be equally interesting posts!

  14. Yeah, how do you know all those people?

    I bet on a sunny day the kitchen is really bright with the sun dancing off the white cabinets.

    I read this too late to A) clean my kitchen, and B) well, see A.

  15. I love your kitchen and the wall your wife did- very cool! I adore your cats too Dave...thanks for sharing your kitchen. :)

  16. I adore your kitchen. I love the man holding the bottles of drink!! So welcoming and warm!

  17. That's a dreamy kitchen, Dave! Seriously! I am jealous of all your cupboard space. I really love your colour scheme, too.

  18. What an amazing paint job!

    And of course all food must have cat hair in it. They might not show that on the food channel, but it's the secret ingredient all of us chefs use!

  19. Dave, You are on for Thanksgiving chaos pics. Katherine had a great idea. Spread the word. I am. This was fun.

  20. Awesome Dave!! I'm loving seeing everyones fun :D

  21. I loved reading this post!! And your kitchen is beautfiul. You're lucky you have some kitchen space. I won't allow my husband to step into the kitchen cuz he always puts things back in the wrong place, but when he cook, man can he cook!

    Thanks for sharing your kitchen!!

  22. A good kitchen is a joy to cook in....

  23. Dave, this was a fun kitchen tour. thank you for opening your door so that we can take a peek.

  24. Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog regarding my kitchen. The remodeling did take just over a week at the time, and we "lived" in our basement while it was going on. It sure was worth the inconvenienc.

    Your wife does excellent work with her faux painting skills. The brick wall looks so real.

    The Griswold cast iron pan I got off of Ebay. That company went out of business in the 50's, but their pans are awesome. I'm going to check some flea markets next summer and try to acquire some more.

    Good luck in your kitchen take-over :)

  25. As always, a very entertaining post. Thanks for the tour. You will, of course, have to share more about your famous wedding guests now that you have so many people curious!

  26. What a great way to meet you with an introduction to your kitchen! It's beautiful and I love the brick wall. I did click on the photo to make it bigger and was mega impressed.

    Your cats are beautiful and your wedding presents are wonderful. Thanks for sharing where you cook, (and I'm glad you're getting more space!)

  27. Dammitall, I missed the 18th. Oh well, my kitchen is so small I couldn't fit the camera into it anyway;)

    Cute kitchen, I like the brick accent wall. Cheng and Eng, too funny.

  28. ROTFLOL! This was so funny! Thank you! You ALWAYS put a smile on my face :) The cats - their names - way too cool. Bwahahaha! ;)

  29. That was really great fun! Encourages me to take up Penny's challenge. As soon as I find time. Well, as for that, I could be doing it right now, couldn't I?

  30. Thanks so much for having us into your kitchen. I love the trompe l'oeile, your wife is so creative!
