
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hot Apple Cider & Brandy Toddy for around the firepit

OK, two days ago, I told you all about Halloween in the Cul de Sac, from the kiddies (and the cats) point of view. And yesterday, I told you about the cheesecake my wife made for the adults after trick or treat weenie roast party (scroll down a post to see that work of art). Today, I will fill you in on my contribution to the after party...

A cool fall night (about 45-50 degrees), a roaring fire, and an evening spent with little crumb crunchers begging for candy ... Sounds like a drinking opportunity to me.

So, here's what I did...

128 ounces of Apple Cider (there were about 12 of us)
24 shots of brandy (1 shot for each 5 ounces)
half a dozen cinamon sticks,
an orange, cut in half and squeezed a little (I used the orange that was left when my wife made her zest for the cheesecake)

Bring it to a soft boil, and let simmer for about 20 minutes.

Strain, put into a couple of Thermoses, and let the party begin!

Hard to believe, but someone in the neighborhood took a video of us all after a few sips of this...

It went great with cheesecake!


  1. I wish you lived in my neighborhood!

  2. You must learn to have more fun :-) I really love that cheesecake! Haven't I seen it before?

  3. One of your neighbors kinda looks like Drew Cary

  4. That sounds yummy! and the video kills me! LOL

  5. Yummy cider! I had lots of requests for an "adult" cider while serving donuts and cider on Halloween night. I'll have to give this a try next year.

  6. You guys have too much fun! What do you do in the middle of Winter? The cider and cheese cake both look enticing.

  7. love warm drinks like this...sounds blissful !

  8. This sounds SOOOOOOOOO good. What is your favorite winter drink?

  9. Terrific video! Had me chair dancing with one of my cats.

    Your hot toddy, in a word WOW. I only have an alcoholic drink maybe once every couple of months or so. I could certainly save up for this. I mean, apple cider and oranges are good for you, right?

  10. Toddy's are good... I will have to try that when Arizona isn't still having a heat wave! YUM! I like the old drag myself... Time warp 56 times in a row one night with about 35 other like minded crazy... (inebriated) friends at a fairgrounds party. Course I was most impressed with Drew's Time Warp Skills too! Thanks Dave... brought back some good memories for me!


  11. Lol, does anything NOT go great with cheesecake?!?!? Unlikely.

    This seems like it would totally warm my insides on a cool fall day. I love how seasonal it is.

  12. Crumb Crunchers???? LOL I was reading this to my husband as he was getting ready for work and when I came to the drink part he said "now that's my kind of guy!"

  13. LMAO @ Drew Carey :D I could go for a thermos full of Hot Toddy!

  14. Chuckling!! AND thanks for that because I am heading for the wine; my 17 year old son is about ready to do me in!! I might as well go out with a wine buzz?? Can I send my husband to you for lesson if I survive raising another teenage son?? Great Blog post!!


  15. now that sounds like an great drink!! wonder how it would go with a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast...LOL
