
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Wanna WIN a GALLON of POM WONDEFUL??? NEW contest Announcement

First, a little bit of self indulgence...The very good people at POM WONDERFUL sent me a bunch of their product. Of course, I will be making BBQ sauce with it, and I am very excited to have been given this opportunity. WHOO WHOO - FREE STUFF!

But more importantly (not to me, but more importantly to you), the good people at POM have agreed to send 2 (YES, 2) lucky winners - coupons good for 4, 15 ounce bottles of whatever flavors their grocery store carries. Take a second, head over to their website, and take a look (making it easy for you, Click HERE to get there without cutting and pasting). But take a look at these products you will have to chose from -
Nearly a gallon of this elixir of the gods FREE to you. There are HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of stores across the US and CANADA that will honor your coupons. The wise people at POM have even created a store locator page where you can confirm a store close to you. Feel free to click HERE to confirm that you will be able to have your coupons honored! These bottles retail at about $6 a bottle. Nearly $25 worth of product, FREE ... What a great deal!

OK, rules... here's how to win...

I will set up a data base of entrants. As you qualify, you will be assigned a number. I will use RANDOM.ORG to pull a number out of a hat and declare a winner... then I will do it again. In the possibility of one person winning both sets of coupons, I will void that second number (let's spread it around, and have two winners). I will then continue to pull the number from the virtual hat, and eventually find a second winner.

And here is how to qualify...

As many of you know, next week, I am off to New Orleans (Have I mentioned I am going to N'awlens?) starting tomorrow. I have three terrific guest blog posts, and two amazing recipes from guest inspiring bloggers that inspired me to cook outside of the grill, already written and scheduled to run each day of my trip. If you go to one of those guest bloggers (or inspirational guest bloggers), leave a comment of thanks for their contributions to the blog community, return to my site and leave a comment telling me you left a comment (sounds complicated, but it isn't - Thank the people who helped - then let me know that you did). and you get one entree for each person you thank (be sure to come back each day and let me know you did). SO, you can earn as many as 5 entrees just for being what most of you are anyway... Nice people (and I really want you all to be nice to those people who helped me out in my time of need (drunken stupor)).


Self promotion for me. I think I have a pretty good site here. Informative, fun, mostly accurate and as much worth looking at as the average blog (and even on rare occasions, more worth looking at). Run a sentence or two on your blog announcing my contest, with a link to this page, and you get 5 entrees!

Run it with a photo of POM WONDERFUL (feel free to lift the one I am using), add a link to the good folks at POM WONDERFUL - - and get another 5 entrees. they are nice enough to make this offer, help get name recognition established.

Run it as the first item (above the fold in Newspaper terms) on your post of the day (as they say in real estate, location, location, location), and receive another 5 entrees.

A total of 15 possible additional entrees for directing your readers to the contest, my site, POM WONDERFUL, and my guest
bloggers! Be sure to leave me a comment so that I know to check your site)

And finally, blogger honor only on this one... If you win, the good folks at POM WONDERFUL would appreciate you writting a blog entree about what you do with the elixer of the gods.

Good luck to everyone!


Wow... what an odd feeling. I have 6 days worth of posts done and scheduled to run. I will have Internet access in my hotel, but I will not be writing anything new to run for the next week. What an odd feeling. I will stop in when I can, but I wish you all good eatin'.


  1. Wow...very cool! You sound like you are all set to go. Can't wait to read all of your scheduled posts (slow work week)...and I hope you enjoy yourself and come back with lots of fun stories!

  2. I still have one of my POM coupons left. I should get out there and use it up. I had fun with my POM! I just can't drink the stuff straight!

  3. Not entering your contest as the Wonderful POM people have sent me their delicious products in the past, and I believe everyone should have an opportunity to enjoy this.

    Just wanted to wish you a safe, funny, and tasty vacation. Looking forward to your posts.

  4. Can't wait to see the guest posts ! Hope you and the wifey have a gorgeous time !..Take Care !

  5. You better take some POM with you. You might need those antioxidents. Have a wonderful trip. Have a mufaletta, a beignet, some turtle soup and a Hurricane for me. And I want to know why we can't find Tazo anywhere but there?!?!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I have entered the contest by posting and linking to this page. I also included a pic of POM and a link to their site for the maxim points! I've never had POM but have some iseas on how to use it.

    thanks for sharing!

  8. I would love to win this! I've commented on the blogs for each of the guest posters for the week so far.

    I also did a post about your giveaway on my blog here:

    I included the POM picture and I linked to both your blog post on how to enter and on the POM Wonderful site.

    You'll be the above the fold post at least all day Friday, but I went one step further for ya. I put a picture in the upper left hand sidebar with a link to your giveaway post, so you'll be above the fold until you draw a winner!

    All of that should give me the extra 15 entries. Can you tell I want to try this??? :)

    Hope you're having a fantastic time in New Orleans and I look forward to hearing about your adventures there! Have a safe trip home.
