
Thursday, October 15, 2009


The cult of followers to my blog has grown by one... Whoo Whoo!!! You all know those little faces in the box in the middle of the center column, well my box grew by a one new blogger that I am especially happy to meet.

But just a little bit of bookkeeping, I was hoping to hear from three new followers that I do not recognize, nor have easy access to their blogs. I would still like to find them. So if you know, or if you are "Rick" or "Larry", "EVERYDAYWINEGIRL" drop me a comment so I can see what you are all about... HELP, let me know who you are? I want to see your blogs too.

It is great fun getting to know Sherri from EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. EiM is her food blog. Very personal, terrific stories about Mom, family and most importantly, her foodie hobby But to really know her, take a look at her more personal blog, MATTER OF FACT. MoF is where she tells the personal stories of her life, and the thoughts of the day. That site is more than worth a read to really get to know her and her Harley riding husband.

But, as to her food blog, Everything in Moderation is a terrific blog. Sherri really has chops around the kitchen. Right now, she is running a contest for a FREE YEAR's worth of magazine subscription from Southern Living Magazine. SL is a beautiful magazine, filled with everything the south is famous for (in the kitchen). Go ahead and click on the picture of the magazine. You will be taken to her blog, and given the instructions for entering the contest. When you comment, tell her Hi from me. But you will want to be back...

Just for the recipe for these beauties, don't you want to stop by??? She reprints the cover recipe from the magazine she is giving away. And it is sure pretty for the holidays coming up.

But she does plenty of original recipes, obviously made herself, with detailed instructions and great photos. I always take the recipes serious when you can tell the blogger actually cooks...And Sherri cooks.

I also really enjoy the personal touches. Stories of her children, and Mother dot the blog. Spend a bit of time here, and you will really feel you know her.

But best of all...

Take a read of this, it follows a terrific recipe for Mom's Famous GFAIP (Gain Friends and Influence People) Oatmeal Pecan Cookies. A great recipe in and of itself, but then she challenges you with this...
Now, here's the challenge:
EVERYBODY loves homemade cookies. And usually, we can't (or don't need to) eat all the cookies that we bake anyway, so why not purposefully bake some extras to giveaway to someone you know who could use a smile.

Maybe it's a elderly neighbor who seems a bit lonely- maybe it's your local firefighters or policemen who could use a thank- you plate. Leave a plate in your breakroom at work for your co-workers to enjoy. Maybe a teen needs some lovin' from the oven to cheer them up. There may be a child you know who would enjoy a homemade cookie. Look around. Somebody may be forever touched by your small gesture.
Now, isn't Sherri someone you want to get to know??? Click HERE to get to EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. Stop her a comment, tell her HI from me. You will be glad you did.

I have said it before, and I will say it again... I LOVE Blogging and Bloggers. Having followers is a great way to let me know that you are out there. My blog improves with each new follower. I feel a connection, as well as an obligation to be witty, entertaining, informative, accurate and consistent. Knowing that I am being looked at makes me a better blogger and I hope you will be patient as I continue to improve. Looking at all these terrific sites shows me how far I have to come, but gives me great ideas from everyone!

Take a look at these guys. If you like what they have to say, come back for more. Drop em a note (comment) of encouragement. Newer bloggers need to know someone is out there, and older bloggers need fresh blood to feed on, let em know you were directed to their site from me and you may make a new cyber friend too.

And if you regularly check in on me, go ahead and join my followers list/ Plug me in your blogroll and let me know you are there. I want to see what you are all about too...


  1. Well, goodness gracious! I'm overwhelmed by your kind and generous words. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

  2. Just went there; she DOES have a nice blog! Thanks for the heads up.
