
Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Yesterday was another terrific day on my follower's cult that is my blog. You all know those little faces in the box in the middle of the center column, well my box grew by a two new bloggers that I am especially happy to meet.

But just a little bit of bookkeeping, I was hoping to hear from three new followers that I do not recognize, nor have easy access to their blogs. I would still like to find them. So if you know, or if you are "Rick" or "Larry", "EVERYDAYWINEGIRL" drop me a comment so I can see what you are all about... HELP, let me know who you are? I want to see your blogs too.

Considering my documented big fat tub of lard issues (Click HERE), I am very happy to have found COOKIN' LEAN Like PAULA DEEN.

Cookin' Lean is run by Lindsay, a wife and mother. She admits no connection to, but a fondness for our favorite butter wielding cook, Paula Deen. Her goal with her specialty blog is to provide more healthy alternatives to the calorie packed recipes of goddess Paula. Certainly a noble goal, and considering the holiday season coming up all too soon, she features recipes I want to try...

For example, I already have a half dozen little parties I am invited to. I usually bring some little hors d'oeuvre type thing to share. Those things are usually packed with calories, and I just can't resist my own cooking (added on to my friends cooking that I equally can't resist). Lindsay offers up a delicious sounding alternative to Paula Deen's SANTA FE WRAPS. Filled with tasty flavors, and low fat substitutes, this recipe sounds terrific for holiday guiltless sharing. It is on my list of things to make.

I was also really attracted to a terrific sounding comfort food of a lean version of Paula Deen's BAKED HAM and CHEESE CHICKEN. This sounds and looks great for one of those chilly afternoons when we all want to feel warm inside. This will do the trick!

She is new to blogdom (only 25 posts), but she is consistent, specializing and a great read. These young bloggers need encouragement. She is worth the visit, from cakes to potatoes, Chicken Pot Pies to Black bean Salsa, she has a lot to offer. And if you scroll down far enough, you will discover Paula Deen's "house Seasoning" recipe... Isn't that worth a look?

Click HERE to get to Cookin' Lean Like Paula Deen's blog site. Drop her an encouraging comment and tell her Hi for me. If you like what you see, join as a follower and add her to your blogroll. Good tasting, tested recipes lower in fat and calories... This lard ass will be (and needs to be) coming back often.

Also joining is ONCE UPON A GOURMET GIN. I was only slightly disappointed to discover this was not a classic gin martini specialty site, but was instead a terrific blog, ran by GIN(ger). Gin is a triathlete, fisherwoman, wife and mother... And a Cincinnati Reds fan (only slightly less heartbreaking than being a KC Royals fan). She is also a terrific home style cook.

From her blog, you can tell that she is a real cook. She knows what she is doing. Real recipes, real food, with just a touch of extras that separate her from the average. A Salmon Salad sandwich, with radish, cucumber accents... made from a big hunk of Smoked Salmon that she gives excellent directions for how to make. She has a POM BBQ sauce I need to take a long look at, as well as muffins and cupcakes and much more.

And doesn't this sound amazing - Yogurt Cream Honey Pound CAKE! Made with Greek yogurt (a new find for me, so i am looking for Greek yogurt recipes). This sounds absolutely amazing, and I can't wait to try this.

I was of course drawn to this beautiful FRESH ALASKAN smoked Salmon recipe. Very jealous when i read of her brother-in-laws Alaskan fishing trip and the photo (a little bloody, so I didn't want to offend any sensitive souls, or I would have shown it) of this HUGE fish. The results are stupendous, and I am craving salmon now.

And don't you all want to see her recipe for Pumpkin Muffins???

Click HERE to get to Once Upon a Gourmet Gin's blog site. Drop her an encouraging comment and tell her Hi for me. If you like what you see, join as a follower and add her to your blogroll. Good tasting, tested recipes, and she knows her way around a grill. What's not to love?

I have said it before, and I will say it again... I LOVE Blogging and Bloggers. Having followers is a great way to let me know that you are out there. My blog improves with each new follower. I feel a connection, as well as an obligation to be witty, entertaining, informative, accurate and consistent. Knowing that I am being looked at makes me a better blogger and I hope you will be patient as I continue to improve. Looking at all these terrific sites shows me how far I have to come, but gives me great ideas from everyone!

Take a look at these guys. If you like what they have to say, come back for more. Drop em a note (comment) of encouragement. Newer bloggers need to know someone is out there, and older bloggers need fresh blood to feed on, let em know you were directed to their site from me and you may make a new cyber friend too.

And if you regularly check in on me, go ahead and join my followers list/ Plug me in your blogroll and let me know you are there. I want to see what you are all about too...


  1. I follow Gin and you are correct- she has a great site. On my way over to the newer blog- sounds like another winner.

    Oh, and I'm a follower now too- and I added you to my blogroll this morning!

  2. I shall visit and I shall follow. Thanks!

    Lea Ann

  3. Great blog post! Have a fabulous vacation in New Orleans. A few years ago, I had the opportunity to eat at Emeril's Nola. All I can say is Wow. What a great food experience. I am looking forward to your future posts about your vacation.

  4. I'm a big fan of Gin as well!

    Will go and visit your new follower. She sounds fun and interesting. A leaner Paula Deene recipe can't be bad, right?
