
Monday, October 5, 2009

Praise and Thanks to - BUTTER MY KITCHEN

Another day went by, and no new followers (that box in the center sidebar with all the little faces) signed up to take a look at my blog. That's a terrible thing for my ego, but a great opportunity to recognize a blogger that was following me before I started this series. Eventually, I plan to introduce all my followers to you all. I will post about the new ones signing up as they sign up, but every chance I get (when no one new likes me), I will get to revisit some old friends...

BUTTER MY KITCHEN (I'm guessing great food just from the name) has been blogging for almost a year. She lives in Minnesota, so she probably had a little frost on her punkin over the weekend. I had a friend from Minnesota once, and they are hearty folks up there... Needing hardy cooking to strengthen their souls, and that is exactly what you get from TAMILYN (the author of the blog).

But, before I get to the blog, here's a little bit I learned about Tamilyn. Checking out her profile, she is another happily married cook who blogs. Two younguns and her husband have been lifelong Minnesotans. Moved from the big city (Minneapolis/St. Paul) to a small town 19 years ago, and still feels like the "new People". She reminds me a lot of my wife. In her interest category, she is a scrapbooking photographer, who drinks wine and cocktails who is addicted to the food channel when she is not traveling. One hobby that she has that has nothing to do with my precious is camping. I think the only way i could get my wife to camp would be in a trailer, with Internet access, near someplace that delivers fast food, with a TV running in the background to drown out the sounds of nature... Oh, wait, that just described Tamilyn's recent camping trip...

I kid cause I love, Actually BUTTER IN MY KITCHEN had a couple of terrific posts about the family reunion she just participated in. It rained, and they were only were 6 miles from home, so they spent one night in the camper ready to party with the cousins and family the next day. I loved all the pictures and very hardy food that was served (all outdoors, lots of grilling).

And speaking of food, Tamilyn's recipes are obviously cooked for a real family, easy to follow, lots of photos and very pleasing. She calls her husband, "the Dude " (I need a cool blogger nickname... But I digress). He always looks very happy.

Bacon cheeseburger meatballs (what's not to love in those three words)
Grandma's Chocolate Zucchini Cake
Turkey breast cooked in Pomegranate juice (this one really sounds good)
A GREAT cheesy potato crock pot recipe
And wait til you find the sweet 16 daughter's B-day dinner...

These are obviously family friendly, she obviously really cooks these (I am growing tired of seeing posts of magazine recipes that the bloggers hadn't really cooked ...But I digress). She tells great personal stories to go with her posts (I really like that part of blogdom). She is a cat lover, having just spent $300 on her "FREE" kitten (again, happily married cat people are 80% of foodies (in my opinion... for what it's worth)). There is lots to enjoy about Tami, but I especially enjoyed her tagline...

Cooking, Baking and Why I Need a Good Bottle of Wine (or Vodka, Rum, Beer ...)

Click HERE to find BUTTER MY KITCHEN. She is my kind of blogger!

I have said it before, and I will say it again... I LOVE Blogging and Bloggers. Having followers is a great way to let me know that you are out there. My blog improves with each new follower. I feel a connection, as well as an obligation to be witty, entertaining, informative, accurate and consistent. Knowing that I am being looked at makes me a better blogger and I hope you will be patient as I continue to improve. Looking at all these terrific sites shows me how far I have to come, but gives me great ideas from everyone!

Take a look at these guys. If you like what they have to say, come back for more. Drop em a note (comment) of encouragement. Newer bloggers need to know someone is out there, and older bloggers need fresh blood to feed on, let em know you were directed to their site from me and you may make a new cyber friend too.

And if you regularly check in on me, go ahead and join my followers list/ Plug me in your blogroll and let me know you are there. I want to see what you are all about too...

R, CAG and G... Good Talk ;)


  1. Fake foodies- that does melt my butter.. We used to have a city wide cooking competition.. sent in recipes into categories- I was picked as a finalist twice out of the two times I tried! 1,000 entries, 10 for 5 categories- I was always in main dishes.. Out of the 10, 4 would be recipes straight out of Bon Appetit, and never made before the frauds got to the contest.. three would be housewives that had never cooked outside their own kitchen in their lives. The remaining three were cooks! I took third both years...

  2. Not everyone uses Blogger, therefore they will not show up as a follower. I have had your RSS feed in my reader for a month and a half or so now. Unless I post a comment, you will not know I exist. You can try to use services like Feedburner to track readers, but you really are only going to get numbers, not personalities.

    All the best . . .

  3. OMG... I did not know that...

    lease, if you are checking in regularly and are not able to "follow" me, drop me a comment and tell me what blog you own. I want to get to know you too

  4. Thanks for the introduction to "Butter" love her blog. I've subscribed.

    I'm not on Blogger, but did set up a blogger blog. When you click on it, it directs you to mt official Wordpress blog. So, I'm still able to blogger "follow" people.

    But yes, what RDownes said is correct. I also use feedburner to track followers. It's a pretty impersonal method.

    did that all make sense???? :-)

  5. I always learn something new here, new people, new ideas, new friends.

  6. Thank you for the kind words. They warmed the cockles of my heart~especially at 4:30 in the morning when I was on my last break of the night. I'm feeling the pressure to get some more stuff blogged........
