
Thursday, October 8, 2009


It's another three posting day, so finish this SHORT (promise) post and surf down for an announcement about a new cooking club followed by another tribute to another blogger (love em).

But this post is more from my exciting night of accepting the ALL VEGETARIAN MEAL (without making a big salad) challenge...

These are just as good as they look, and if you have never had eggplant, it is MUCH better than it sounds (confession, this is the first time I have ever eaten eggplant... What a fool I was).

This recipe can be found on page 367 of Steven Raichlen's amazing grill guide, HOW TO GRILL. The book includes two pages of detailed instructions, including lots of photographs and a simple easy to follow recipe. Click HERE to go to and read other people's reviews or to order. I just found out they have discounted the price, new copies are available for less than $10 and used copies for less than $6!

This is incredibly easy, and you can flavor eggplant with whatever you like. Texture is a little soft, but compares to big mushrooms in consistency. But of course, the taste is what's important...

As with most vegetables, if you are going to grill, thicker slices work better. Narrow slices fall through grate, thick ones have enough substance to get great grill marks and the grill fire flavor that only grilling adds!

Cut the slices about 1 inch thick. generously coat with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Then, you can follow Steven's recipe, or just start tossing the spices that sound best to you...

He suggests coarse salt, oregano, pepper, red pepper flakes, garlic and fresh parsley.

Grill over direct medium heat for about five minutes per side
I like to add a little fresh minced garlic on the top, after the first side has been flipped. Things like that tend to fall off when you grill, so this way it STINKS of garlic (hooray).

That's pretty much it. Another five minutes for the B side and they are ready to present.

I like the bed of lettuce look, especially since I had committed to serve all vegetarian with no salad. the lemon wedges just looked pretty. No one bothered to squeeze any on, and I would leave them off next time.

I will certainly make this again (Eggplants at the Farmer's market were only 50 cents each!). No changes to the recipe, so this qualifies as a 5 of 5 recipe on that scale from 1 to 5!

Everybody repeat after me...




  1. Somewhere I read that if you salt the eggplant first, or soak it in salted water....or something like that, it will improve the texture before grilling. Did your cookbook guy mention anything like that?

  2. WHAT? I can't believe you waited all this time to try it !!! its possibly the next best thing after portobello mushrooms in my books. Have you tried moussaka ? you will LOVE it !

  3. Your plating is lovely, Dave.

    Man, I wish I could do eggplant...

  4. Beautiful eggplant Dave! I am the only one at my house who likes this stuff.

  5. Beautiful! I love grilled eggplant. I bet these would be good with a little parmesan cheese on top.

  6. oooh...this is making me really wish I liked eggplant. bummer :(

  7. I've grilled it, and can go mushy if you're not on top of it...

  8. My hubby is the grill master.. Ill have to show him this post, it looks terrific, nothing better than grilled veggies..esp.eggplant!!

  9. Whew! I'm glad that other post is gone now LOL! I love grilled eggplant, but you know, the thin slices are amazing too. Just trickier. And of course they don't take too long either. And now I finally know you name, Dave! :)

  10. You did a great job with the eggplants! :)

  11. I have eaten Eggplant about twice in my life, I am ascared of them. These, however look spectacular! BTW we are smoking this weekend!

  12. I would make this but I'm not as brave as you obviously are. I would use a turnable grill cage to make mine. You really know your stuff.

  13. Eggplant rocks! Totally love it.
